2011 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Rat years: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Pig, not Rat. (Verify Your Sign)
When Rat people meet Rabbit year, they have good and bad luck mixing together. The major event will related to love in 2011. The single man or woman have chance to build a love relationship. But the relationship has the chance to break in the same year. Married couples might have a lucky event in the family, but they might have some disagreements in the marriage life. Rat people are clever and alert. As long as they can watch their temper to avoid any quarrel, they will have a peaceful and safe year.
Career: Rat and Rabbit have a hurting relationship. This implies that Rat people easily have disputes with others. This will impact project schedule in job duties. Since Rabbit is a Love Star to Rat in Chinese astrology, Rat people might get the help or support from the opposite sex. However, the relationship with the opposite sex still have a potential to bring trouble. Therefore, Rat people need to maintain certain distance of love relationship in the job environment. Otherwise, there is a chance that both job and love bring pressure to you during the Rabbit year.
The career development is fine, but slow during the spring time. Money luck will improve during the summer. Rat people will get more help and support during the fall. So Fall is the stable stage. Keep up your good work, Rat people will feel the achievement in the end of the year.
Money: Money luck is fair. Either money comes and goes, or money goes and comes. Money events will related to investment especially during spring and fall. Summer will bring you better money luck. However, Rat people need to pay attention on people relationships to avoid quarrels or disputes. Any lawsuit from bad relationship will cause a money loss.
Sine the Rabbit year will keep you busy, Rat people might have extra income from overtime, meeting or business trip.
Love: Rabbit is one of Romantic Stars to Rat. If you are single, then you have chance to find someone you like. If you are in love, then you will have closer relationship and might think about the marriage. If you are a married person, then you need to know that the love affair outside will cause the big trouble in marriage. This is because that the love relationship of Rat and Rabbit is mixing sweet and bitter.
If you are single, then you should increase your social activities. You can try to meet people born in year of Dragon, Monkey or Cow. Dragon helps you with making decisions. Cow brings you confidence and safety. Monkey makes you feel in love. But you need to watch your words or deeds to avoid the quarrels. The peak time of the love is in the Chicken month, which is September.
Health: The health luck is fair. The emotion of Rat people in the Rabbit year is unstable. Rat people have to control their temper to avoid any conflict with people, which will cause your sleeping quality and impact your health. For men, they need to focus on the safety to prevent injury from the accident.
Fortune: Rat people will increase their social activity in the year of Rabbit. They will enjoy meeting new friends and having chances to build closer relationships. Rat people pay attention on everything and make plans in detail. Sometimes they play political tricks. Not everyone can accept this personality, so they might find new enemy in 2011.
In the year of Rabbit, Rat people have the love opportunity, but it's required the patience to maintain. The money income for Rat people is definite, but they eventually have to spend money on investments or penalty loss. During work, Rat people must watch their behavior and try not to criticize people in public. For men, they need to pay more attention to their health than women.
The above prediction of 2011 Chinese Horoscope for Rat people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2011 prediction, please go to 2011 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
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