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Year of Dog - 2018 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Snake

This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2018 is for people born in Snake years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Dragon, not Snake. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.

What Does the Snake Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2018

The outlook of the Snake, flicking forked tongue, and serpentine movement give people a bad impression. Snake likes to hide in the grass or holes. People think the snake is not straightforward, dishonest, and sly. Actually, the snake is the felling down Dragon from heaven. It's very shy. The month of Snake is May, which is the beginning month of Fire in Chinese astrology. Snake is in the Fire group. It contains Male Fire, little Male Earth, and little Male Metal. Male Fire is the sun. Sun is aboveboard, selfless, cordial, ambitious, and righteous. The Sun has a practical visionary.

The Dog is in the Earth group. The Dog is Male Earth, which is a mountain, hill, tall building, or tall wall. Snake is Fire, which is connected to light, torch, or eye-catcher. The wall of the Dog will become beautiful when putting the lighting or neon light on it at night. The Dog provides a performance stage for you to show your best to people. Without Snake Fire, people don't know the wall of the Dog existing. They are mutually beneficial.

In Chinese astrology, Fire is the mother element of Earth. Snake is mother to the Dog. Snake provides protection, education, caring, support, and shelter to the Dog. With the helping from Snake, Dog can grow as much more confident, powerful, and outstanding person. But Dog acts as a mountain. It doesn't feel caring and love from Snake. It doesn't know how to express its gratitude to Snake.

The snake is a cold-blooded animal. It is the 6th animal of the Chinese Zodiacs. Six is the even number. But Snake is not in the Yin group. Snake contains Male Fire, Male Metal, and Male Earth. It should be in the Yang group. Male Fire is connected to the Sun. Snake hour is from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The sun is reaching the top of the sky. Dog hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. That is after sunset time. When Snake meets Dog, it implies the sun disappears from the sky. It's time for Snake to retire after finishing its duty. When Snake goes backstage, Dog will take over the duty at night.

Although without legs, Snake's serpentine movement is very fast. In Chinese astrology, Snake is treated as a Travelling Star. Sun is connected to the Snake. Sun travels and works daily without complaint. This implies Snake has to work hard during the day. The Dog will tell Snake to take a big rest and enjoy the candle diner at night.

2018 Chinese Zodiac Snake in Dog Year Prediction

Chinese Zodiac Snake vs. the 2018 Year of Dog

2018 is the Year of the Brown Dog. You were born in the Year of the Snake. The following is the Brown Dog year prediction for people born in year of Snake.

When Snake meets Dog, the Dog will provide you a performance stage. You can convey your idea, express concern, and love to people.

Career: In Chinese Five Element astrology, Earth is the Child Element of Fire. Snake is Male Fire and Dog is Male Earth. Earth Dog represents your outlook, expressions, actions, opinions, and performance. Male Earth is connected to the mountain. Mountain Dog provides you a huge performance stage. That means Dog brings you a big career opportunity.

Fire is afraid of Water. Water represents your career. There is no Water inside the Dog. That implies you won't focus on career development too that during the cycle of the Dog. The Dog brings you career opportunities. The Dog is the hill or mountain. But it's not easy for Snake to climb over the mountain. Therefore, for any career opportunity, you need to think twice before accepting the challenge.

Job Change: If you have a chance to promote to a higher position, then you should be conservative to cogitate your opportunity. You don't have to give up the opportunity. You can wait for the good timing. This is because a strong competitor will appear. When the opponent suffered the setback, then you consider taking over the opportunity. You must fully prepare and have a strong cordial passion for the new position, then accept the challenge.

Wealth: Snake is Fire. Metal is afraid of Fire. Metal represents your money. The Dog is Earth and contains some Metal. Therefore, Dog brings you some degree of money luck. The money opportunity comes indirectly. You need two steps to increase your wealth. Firstly, you can find a financial advisor who can give you the financial plan. Then you need to use your wisdom to find the income. If you find a good investment opportunity, you will see the return in the end of Dog cycle.

Love: Basically, the relationship between Fire Snake and Earth Dog is a parent-and-child relationship. Fire Snake will generously give more love to Dog. Earth Dog is indifferent to the love from Snake. Actually, Snake is Male Fire and Dog is Male Earth and contains some Female Metal. Male Fire and Female Metal have an attraction relationship because of Water. That means Snake and Dog together don't have instant chemistry right away. Your love relationship will come slowly. It requires time to build it up.

There is a way to improve your love opportunity. You can ask people born in years of Chicken to introduce their friends to you. Snake and Chicken have an attraction relationship because of Metal. Dog and Chicken also have an attraction relationship because of Metal. Three of them together can have a good harmonic atmosphere when talking about the subject related to Metal.

If you are single, then you need to push yourself a little to find your lover. If you are a single man, then the girl you like might be around your boyfriends. If you are in love, then you are expecting to give more care and concerns to your lover. You need to be patient with your slow love development. If you are married, then you have to understand love is unlimited caring and sacrifice. Eternal love is like to take care of your children. Give them time and they grow slowly.

Social Circle: Snake people like to express their opinions during the cycle of Dog. However, you may not get too many responses from others. It's possible that you might talk about the cliche without creativity and novelty. People don't have too much interest in your topics. If you are unaware, you will lose your popularity. Therefore, pay attention to your words and deeds. You'd better think twice before speaking, then you will have a better reputation on social occasions.

Quarrel: Sometimes, you hesitate to make decisions during the cycle of Dog. If you have a quarrel, dispute, or lawsuit with someone, then you might be unable to find the reason to win the case. That means your winning odd is not high, you'd better reconcile with the rival as soon as possible. Otherwise, when a wild Dog blocks your way, you will have difficulty to bypass it. You have to wait for a long time until the Dog walks away.

Health: Snake is Fire and Dog is Earth. Fire can burn more Earth for Dog. It's possible that Earth becomes too strong for you. Therefore, you should pay attention to the health related to Earth. If Earth is too strong, you should watch out for your stomach and digestive system.

If your Earth is too strong, then Water might become weaker. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention to your kidneys, bladder, and urinary system. Since Wood can overcome the Earth. You can often go to lawn, parks, forests for outdoor exercise, and fresh air. This can increase the energy of Wood.

General Fortune: When Snake meets Dog, you need to plan well and wait for the opportunity to show off your talent. After one job's done, you shouldn't care about your credits or rewards. You should take a rest, recharge your energy, and wait for the next task.

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2018 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday

2018 Zodiac Sign Prediction by Birth Year

Above 2018 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.

For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between DAY MASTER and Dog Zodiac Sign of 2018. The DAY MASTER of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.

Five Element Astrology gives you all

Chinese Five Elements Astrology converts Zodiac Signs into Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. By analyzing all attractive and fighting relationships between Five Elements and animals in the birth chart, it can tell you what major events regarding career, wealth, friendship, love, marriage, or reputation are coming toward you.

Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.

2018 Rise and Fall Chart

It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than 2018 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.

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