If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Rabbit,
not Dragon. (Verify Your Sign)
Chinese Dragon is an animal in the sky. Horse is an animal on the ground. They
are in the separate world. They don't have too much in common. Both of them like
to complete to be a leader. They don't have direct conflict. But it's hard for
them to become close friends.
Year of Horse brings in more Unlucky Stars than Lucky Stars to Dragon people.
When people are lucky, they can find someone's help when they are in trouble.
Dragon people are not that lucky in the Horse year. Dragon people will face different problems in 2014. But
their close friends are not around. Dragon people need to deal with the trouble
by themselves. Year of Horse will be a challenge year for Dragon people.
Note: This view is from Traditional Chinese Horoscopes.
Chinese Five Element Astrology
might give you different opinion, which determines people luck by Five Elements,
not animals.
Master Tsai's New
Chinese Five Pillars Astrology
2015 Chinese Horoscope Year of Green Sheep
Career: The people relationship will become poor to Dragon people in
2014. Dragon people need to open their eyes to identify who are the friends or
who are the enemies. They should always think twice before next move. It's not a
good idea to show your aggressive ambition on the career competition. To
changing job in the beginning of the Horse Year is not a smart move. either. There is an
Up-and-Down Star in 2014. That's is a sign of uncertainty.
It's time to contact your close friends often. When you need help, they can
be found soon. When they are available, you won't feel alone. So you can make your
decision firmly and quickly by considering their advices or opinions. As long as
courage and confidence with you, you should be able to handle the career
development in 2014.
Money: There is a Golden Star appearing in 2014. That sign shows Dragon
people have chance to meet rich and noble person. Another meaning is you will deal with money related task
or activity often. That means you can see many money opportunities there. But that
doesn't mean you can have them all.
In Five Element theory, Dragon contains mainly Earth. Water is connected to
money to Dragon. Year of Horse contains Fire and Earth. There is no Water in the
2014. That tells us that no strong money luck toward Dragon people in 2014. So the
money luck is unstable. Basically, Dragon people shouldn't do risky investment.
There is no easy income in 2014. You must use your energy and mind to earn your
reward. If you need to do an investment, it's better to ask financial experts to
suggest your a financial plan before taking action. When doing the investment,
you can choose Water related fields such as marine, transportation, shipping,
swimming, drinking, public media, broadcasting, social work or Internet.
Love: The luck of love relationship is fair to Dragon people in 2014.
Horse won't bring too much chemistry of love to Dragon. If you are single and
looking for love, then you need to be patient because there is no Romance Star
toward you in 2014. You have better chance in the March, August, September and
If you are in love,
then the love relationship development will be slow. That's fine. As long as you
can hold on the relationship. If you are married, you probably will be busy for
your career and money income. But sometimes you should be slow down, take a rest
and spend time for your family.
Health: The health luck to Dragon people is below average. since some
pressures might come from career, finance or love area. The worry and depression might constantly haunt around. You can to find your close friends to
talk about your feelings. That will help you to relax your body and soul, then
bring back your energy and spirit.
Dragon people also have to pay attention on the safety, because of an injury
sign showing in 2014. They must drive very carefully on the road to avoid the
hospital treatment. The activities related to ocean, lake, boating and swimming
are not recommended. To have enough sleep and rest is a simple way to relax
yourself. Dragon people shouldn't miss regular meals. So you have
good health and full energy to accept challenges.
More Dragon Zodiac: Personality and Compatibility