If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Snake, not
Horse. (Verify Your Sign)
That is a sign of jinx in Chinese horoscope when a Horse meets another Horse from the yearly cycle. That
tells us that the year of Horse won't be a good year for Horse people. The scene is that if a
Horse is passing by a town with a local Horse tyrant in charge. If Horse people can keep quiet, then they will be safe and
pass the town. If Horse people want to mess with or challenge the tyrant, then
trouble will come to them during their journey.
That means Horse people will travel under somebody's territory. Horse people needs to
play in low-profile during 2014. Their people friendship, love relationship,
money management or job competition might encounter a certain limitation during
the Horse year.
Master Tsai's New
Chinese Five Pillars Astrology
2015 Chinese Horoscope Year of Green Sheep
Career: There is a Military General Star coming toward Horse people in
2014. That's is a sign of power and leadership. When Horse meets Horse, that
implies the competition. Since Horse people enter enemy's territory, the
competition is underdog to Horse people. In order to gain the leadership, Horse
people will face many challenges. Therefore, you will spend lots of time with
your friends, supporters or competitors to solve issues regarding to the business.
If you failed to handle that properly, you will lose your reputation, even
power. As a result, you might blame on yourself. You have better be humble and
patient first. To take action, you must waiting for good timing. Anyway, to
build good people relationship will give your career development much easier.
Horse can run very fast and far away. However, without a guide on its back, Horse doesn't know
where it should go. Therefore, to listen people's opinion is very important for
Horse people in 2014.
Money: Horse people will deal a lots with money in 2014. You will
involve or be in charge of money management, because of the Military General
Star. People around you are watching the money in your hands. They will be
trying anything they can to utilize your money resources you have. They will ask
your out often. therefore, your social activities and social expenses will increase. To loan money to your friends
is not a good idea in the Horse year. That might become a dispute in the
agreement later on. Then you may lose the friendship. 2014 is also not a good year to
invest money on uncertain business. Watch your money tightly, especially in the
summer. Your money luck will be better when the weather is cooling down.
Love: The love relationship of Horse people is fair today. There is a
Popularity Star appearing in 2014. That will help single Horse people to meet a
opposite sex. However, you still have the competition out there and the
development of relationship will be slow. If you are in school, then you should
focus more on the study. Spending too much time on the new relationship won't
give you better or faster result. If you are in love and you want to push closer
relationship on your lover, then you might hurt yourself in the end. If you are
married, you might have little quarrel. So to put your focus on the career
development or financial management is a better approach.
Health: Horse people should have stronger body and mind than the
previous year. If they have slight illness, they should be able to recover
as long as they have enough sleeping and rest. But Horse people in the Horse
year usually don't have a long-lasting good mood, which could impact their
health. So don't forget to do the annual physical examination. One Hurting Star
arrives to Horse people in 2014. So they have better drive very carefully on the
road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Horse is Fire and Wood helps Fire to burn
longer. There are too much Fire coming toward Horse people in 2014. It's quite possible
that Horse people have too much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire
will cause problem in the cardiovascular system. Too less Water will cause problem
in the urinary system.
More Horse Zodiac: Personality and Compatibility