For people born in Tiger years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998.
2015 Chinese Zodiac Tiger for Year of Goat
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Cow,
not Tiger. (Verify Your Sign)
Tiger is a carnivorous animal. But Horse can share a land with Tiger. Maybe Horse can outrun the Tiger. In Chinese Five Element theory, Horse contains mainly Fire. Tiger contains mainly Wood. Wood helps Fire to burn. Wood is the mother Element of Fire. Mother and Child elements won't fight each other. Therefore, Tiger and Horse can get along together.
According to Chinese horoscopes, Tiger and Horse have attraction relationship because of Fire. That is the main reason that Tiger and Horse can get along well together. This is good sign for Tiger people. But there is unlucky Ghost Star appearing in 2014. Therefore, the fortune of Tiger people is mixing good and bad in 2104. While everything goes smoothly, Tiger people still need to pay attention on any ghost behind them. It's possible that a villain plans to pull your legs because of jealousness. In short, Tiger people shouldn't get dizzy with success. Otherwise, good luck might become a misfortune.
Master Tsai's New
Chinese Five Pillars Astrology
2015 Chinese Horoscope Year of Green Goat
Career: Tiger contains Wood, which is related to tree. Horse contains Fire. Fire is sunshine and energy, which helps tree growing taller. With the help from Horse, Tiger will improve its working ability and expand its responsibilities. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 will let Tiger becoming even stronger. That is a sign of leadership. People around will support you. It's a good time to express your creativities to people. A Salary Star is also appearing in 2014. That is the sign of extra income. Also, this implies the opportunity of promotion.
Fire of Horse is the Child Element to Wood of Tiger. Parents always spend energy on their children. Horse is also a Travel Star. Therefore, Horse will make Tiger busy and tired. If your job's workload increases in 2014, then that is normal and that is the opportunity to show your capability to people. And you should be able to overcome the challenge in the Wooden Horse year.
Money: The Salary Star comes Cow people in Wooden Horse year. Firstly, you must hold a job. Then, you will have a decent and stable income. This money luck is not from windfall, gambling or risky investment. You need to spend some energy, strength and sweat to get it.
Horse contains Fire and some Earth. Earth is connected to money to Tiger people. So Tiger enters the land of money opportunity in 2014. Since your people relationship is good, people will invite you for financial investment. If you are involved the investment, then you shouldn't count on your money luck to wait for your return. you still need to monitor the investment carefully to make sure your investment safe. This is because that the Ghost Star is wandering around and looking for chances to take advantage over Tiger people. In general, as long as you focus on your career, then you don't have to worry about the money income.
Love: The love relationship for Tiger people in the year of Horse is pretty good. Tiger people's people relationship in 2013 is poor. If you still have the connection, then it's about time to try for a closer relationship. Tiger, Horse and Dog are very good combination for love relationship. If you are looking for love, then try on people born in year of Horse or year of Dog. It's easier to start up the relationship with them.
If your love relationship is unstable now, then you have to watch anyone sowing discord between you and your lover. You need to build your relationship constantly and not let the emotion of love cool down. Otherwise, your rival in love will win the competition.
Health: Tiger people will be full of energy in the year of Wooden Horse year. And Tiger people will have a good mood, because of their good people relationship. Your outdoor activities will increase. You might spend more time in travel. So you just need to watch the safety on the road. It's easy to get hurt on your arms or legs in 2014. Before you do exercise, you must do enough warm up to avoid injury. If you have trouble regarding to cardiovascular and digestion systems for a while, then it's time to visit your doctor to check it up.
More Tiger Zodiac: Personality and Compatibility
2015 Chinese Zodiac- Year of Goat
The Legend of 12 Chinese Zodiac
Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology Software
By Master Allen Tsai on January 10, 2022