2015 Chinese Horoscope (Part 1)
2016 Chinese Zodiac - Year of
Red Monkey
2017 Chinese Horoscope - Red Chicken
The major outline of 2015 fortune can foresee from the Lucky Element and Day Master of the Chinese Astrology birth chart in the page of 2015 Chinese Horoscope for Year of Green Wooden Sheep.
Chinese Fortune Calendar provides you an easier way to find your own 2015 Chinese Five Element Astrology at the page of Predict your Personal 2015 Chinese Horoscopes using your birthday and time.
However, there some other factors will impact our fortune in 2015 in the following.
Fortunes - Five Elements and Animal Relationships2015 is the Female Wood Sheep Year.
Male Metal
and Female Wood
have a Stem Attraction Relationship into Metal.
Therefore, if Metal is your lucky element and you have Male Metal
in your birth chart, then 2015 will be your lucky and joyful year. If Male Metal
is your Day Master (upper low of the Day Column in the birth chart) and you are a
male, then it's possible that a love relationship,
engagement or marriage is coming toward you.
Female Metal and
Female Wood
have a Fighting Relationship.
and Sheep
have a Fighting Relationship. Both of fighting
relationships imply poor
social relationships, which makes it hard for these people to find a close friend or love
relationship. If you are in love now. then your love relationship could slow
down. Having Cow
and Sheep
fighting relationship, people are easy to get dispute with others and might
often suffer the pain from love relationship.
and Sheep
together have a Hurting Relationship. If the birth
chart and astrological cycle have this relationship, people will easily get
frustration and failure, because of arrogant personality. Also, they might
mistakenly move into a wrong Feng Shui house.
and Sheep
together have a Separation Relationship. This is a poor
sign for love relationship. Also, people encountering this relationship should
pay attention on their health. The disease might be caused by virus. People need
to watch the health of lung and liver.
If both Snake
and Horse
are found in your birth chart or current 10-Year Major Cycle, then Horse, Snake and Sheep
form the strongest
Fire combination. If your lucky element is Fire, then people will admire your luck in 2015. If Male Fire
or Female Fire
are also found in birth chart or 10-Year Major Cycle, then 2015 will become one
of your best years in your life.
If both Pig ,
and Rabbit
are found
in your birth chart or current 10-Year Major Cycle, then Sheep, Pig and Rabbit form
another powerful Wood combination. If your lucky element is Wood, then 2015 will
bring you a big surprise and you will remember it for life. If Male Wood
is also found in birth chart or 10-Year Major Cycle, then people will see their
great achievement in 2015. This also implies you will have very good people
or love relationship.
Find your own 2015 Chinese Five Element Astrology using your birthday
Predict your Personal 2015 Chinese Horoscopes
If you are interested in Chinese Daily Astrology, we have one at
If you are looking for a new home in 2015, then you should know
How to find a Rich House, Romantic House or Intelligent House
If you want to foresee the outline of your entire life, then we have a gift for you at
There are more information about Chinese Horoscope, Astrology Calendar, Festivals, Baby Gender, Baby Names, Culture, Farmer's Calendar, Lucky Day Selection, Feng Shui and Chinese Culture in the Chinese Fortune Calendar website. Welcome to enjoy all free information.
More detail about Day Master 2015 Chinese Astrology is at
2015 Chinese Zodiac - Year of Sheep
Pictographic Character - Sheep
Chinese character Wei
using in the astrology calendar means
hazy sun or after noon (the sun on the western side of the sky), not sheep. The traditional Chinese character of the
sheep is Yang
. There is no good explanation for why ancient Chinese selected Sheep as the nickname of Wei.
Chinese astrology theory explains the life cycle using the cycle of tree. Wei
is the cycle of fruit becoming tasty in the end of summer. Fruit will be ripe in
the autumn. The invention of Chinese pictographic character is quite interesting.
The detail about
sheep Chinese characters
is at Chinese Pictographic Characters -
Master Tsai Chinese Five Pillars Astrology
2016 Chinese Zodiac - Year of Red Monkey
Predict Personal 2015 Chinese Horoscopes
Chinese Horoscopes for Royal Prince George
2015 Feng Shui Guide for your House
Yearly Chinese Astrology Major Cycles Astrology