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Year of Monkey - 2016 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Pig

This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2016 is for people born in Pig years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Dog, not Pig. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.

2016 is the Chinese Red Fire Monkey Year. The first day of the 2016 Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 4, 2016. This is the first day of the Tiger Month in the Chinese astrological calendar. This date is not the Chinese New Year Day, which is on Monday, February 8, 2016, in China timezone.

What Does the Pig Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2016

Pig is the cold water in the winter. Monkey is the strong wind in the fall. Rain with strong wind will become a big storm. To prepare to face the wind of the storm, we need the mountain to block the wind and absorb some rain. Cow is connected to the mountain in the winter. Therefore, Pig should ask the adviser from Cow when the pressure coming from Monkey.

Pig is connected to river, running water, lake or ocean. It implies wisdom, initiative, energy, offensive and encroachment. Pig doesn't like to change the daily routine. It doesn't care the quality of the surrounding environment and lifestyle. Monkey is a curious animal with ambitious. It likes to pursue the power, performance, knack, challenge, fashion and vanity. Therefore, Monkey will manipulate over the Pig. But Monkey doesn't know Pig can become a destructive animal.

According to Chinese horoscopes, Pig contains mainly Water, and Monkey contains mainly Metal with some Water and little Earth. Monkey is connected to the wind, which can bring with rain. Pig is connected to the river. Strong wind can rise the surface of water into waves. It can stir up the water with rain into raging water. When water is overflowing, it might cause mudslide or flood. Then it might damage the bridges, riverbank, levees and roads. That implies a chance of property loss. Therefore, Monkey can give and push Pig into a busy lifestyle.

Monkey is related to Metal. Pig is related to Water. In the theory of the Chinese Five Elements, Metal is the mother element of Water. So Monkey will provide the education, protection, knowledge and training to Pig. But too much coddling and protection from Monkey will spoil the Pig.

2016 Chinese Zodiac Pig in Monkey Year Prediction

Chinese Zodiac Pig vs. the 2016 Year of Monkey

PigMonkey 2016 is the Year of the Red Monkey. You were born in the Year of the Pig. The following is the Red Monkey year prediction for people born in year of Pig.

When Pig meets Monkey, that's a sign of the rain storm.

Career: Basically, your career luck is good. You will realize your job is much easier than before. You will receive the training, education and assistances from others. You have better knowledge to handle your position. But you still need to stay alert. Any negligence on your duty will ruin your reputation and career development.

Job Change: If you have a job opportunity at a different company, then you'd better think twice before accepting the offer. A strong wind of Monkey is coming. That's an unstable sign. But strong wind won’t last too long. That is a challenge position. You make your own decision.

Wealth: The money luck is good, if you are humble and play low profile. If you slide into the arrogant and complacent attitude, then you won't get any fortune.

Love: You will find people care about you very much. If you are looking for love, then attend more social activities and you will feel many people are interested on you. If you are in love, you need to plan more romantic moments for your lover. Love needs patience, understanding, caring, sacrificing, yielding and romance.

Social Circle: Your people relationship is great. People care and concern about you. They will give you lots of courage, sponsor and Compliment. That might spoil your personality. You should be humble and never proud of you fortune or achievement. Otherwise, jealous people will give you negative reputation.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then that will waste your time, energy and money. To negotiate with the opposite party will be the best approach. Otherwise, it might become a big and long event.

Health: Watch out for diabetes, diarrhea, bladder and neuralgic pain.

General Fortune: The good fortune sign is coming. You will be excited. You have good energy and will be eager for actions. But you need to look well before each leap. Thus a promising winner won't become a loser.

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2016 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday

2016 Zodiac Sign Prediction by Birth Year

Above 2016 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.

For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between DAY MASTER and Monkey Zodiac Sign of 2016. The DAY MASTER of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.

Five Element Astrology gives you all

Chinese Five Elements Astrology converts Zodiac Signs into Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. By analyzing all attractive and fighting relationships between Five Elements and animals in the birth chart, it can tell you what major events regarding career, wealth, friendship, love, marriage, or reputation are coming toward you.

Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.

2016 Rise and Fall Chart

It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than 2016 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.

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