Year of Dog - 2018 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Monkey
This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2018 is for people born in Monkey years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Sheep, not Monkey. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.
What Does the Monkey Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2018
In the Chinese Five Element theory, The Monkey is Male Metal and contains some Water.
Male Metal is connected to an ax, sword, knife, or rock.
Monkey Month is August of autumn.
In China, the strong wind comes from the west in the autumn.
Therefore, Metal is also connected to the west and the wind.
The Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to the mountain.
Dog Month is October, the last month of autumn.
Many corps will be harvested in that month.
Then the farmland needs to take a rest for the winter.
Dog Hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., that's time after sunset.
Monkey meets Dog is the sign of retirement.
The Dog is Male Earth, which is the mountain.
When meeting the mountain Dog, Monkey doesn't know that is a wild dog or a ferocious guard-dog.
Smart Monkey will stop, carefully examine the situation, and then select the best timing to slowly bypass the dog.
Monkey is Metal and Dog is Earth.
Earth is the mother element of Monkey.
The Dog acts as the mother to provide Monkey protection, shelter, and home.
Monkey is related to strong wind, which can quickly travel in any direction.
The Dog is related to the mountain, which can block the path of the strong wind.
That implies Dog asks Monkey to go home and take a big rest.
So Monkey can recharge the energy and wait for time to restart the journey.
Monkey is active, aggressive, energetic, frank, and naughty.
Monkey clearly knows what it wants. It likes the challenging tasks.
In order to achieve the goal efficiently, Monkey might use harsh language to push people.
The Dog has a loyal and independent personality.
It has well planned for the future and doesn't like to change the current situation.
With a sincere and earnest attitude, Dog can get along with Monkey.
They can learn something from each other.
Monkey is impatient, irritable, and impulsive.
The Dog can watch the Monkey's behaviors and provide education to Monkey.
Then Monkey will know how to calm down and think twice before making the decision.
During learning the knowledge, however, Monkey will feel losing freedom because of too many restrictions from Dog.
Monkey will notice too many obstacles around and lack of space to move.
2018 Chinese Zodiac Monkey in Dog Year Prediction
Chinese Zodiac Monkey vs. the 2018 Year of Dog
Monkey meets Dog just like the wind stopping at the mountain. The wind needs to gather more energy to flow over or around the mountain.
Career: For better career luck, you need to have a vision for the future. It's time to stop and think about a long-term career goal. You can keep the current job status. If it's necessary, you can take the education to learn new knowledge or skills. When you are ready, then you can go for a new job opportunity.
Job Change: If you have a promotion opportunity, you need to collect new position information first. You need to study the job duty and the prospect of the new company before deciding to accept the challenge. If you lack confidence, then you can stay at the current position, learn more knowledge and experiences, and wait for the next opportunity.
Monkey is Male Metal and some Water.
Wood is afraid of Metal.
Wood represents the money to Monkey.
The Dog is Male Earth and contains some Fire and Metal.
There is no Wood inside Dog.
Therefore, Dog won't directly bring you a big fortune.
For better money luck, Money needs wood.
Water grows wood (tree). There is Water inside the Monkey.
Water represents the Monkey's intelligence and performance.
That implies Monkey needs to use its wisdom to look for the fortune.
When it rains, the mountain Dog can collect lots of rainwater.
Then the rainwater will run down the bottom of the mountain quickly for Monkey.
Therefore, your money luck should aim at long-term investment.
Love: It's hard to have a romantic relationship between Monkey and Dog. However, you will be blessed and caring during the cycle of the Dog. If you are single, you can look for someone mature and thoughtful. It's a fine idea to try for a person older than you. If you are in love, then don't push your partner for a further relationship. You have to ask yourself that you give your lover enough time and caring or not. Keeping a steady relationship is good enough during this period. If you are married, your spouse will take care of you all the time. But you will feel you are losing the freedom and lack of personal time and space.
Social Circle:
The Monkey and Dog know each other.
But Dog is not Monkey's close friends.
Monkey doesn't have the motivation to attend a social event with Dog.
That's not a good sign for the people relationship.
You can invite people born in the year of Chicken to join your social activities.
This is because Monkey, Chicken, and Dog together have an attractive relationship because of Metal.
Three of you together can have a good harmonic conversion with the subject related to Metal.
Monkey is connected to the wind.
Wind likes to travel and show its power.
The dying-down wind will become dirty air.
You should take a good rest, bring up your energy, and go outside to meet people and build a good friendship.
Quarrel: If you have an argument, dispute, or lawsuit with someone, then you cannot win the case. This is because you cannot quickly find good evidence, reason, or solution to solve the issue. The best approach is to call a truce for peace with your opponent as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be a labor-intensive, time-consuming, and energy-exhausting event. You should avoid the quarrel in the beginning during the cycle of Dog.
Monkey is Male Metal, which is a strong wind.
The Dog is Male Earth, which is the mountain, dry land, or tall wall.
Strong wind can cause lots of dust in the air.
Therefore, you should pay attention to the nose, bronchus, throat, lung, and the other respiratory system.
Rain and Water can purify the air.
You should often go to the lake, riverside, beach, park, lawn to enjoy the fresh air.
During the cycle of Dog, Earth is strong.
Anything related to Earth will impact your health.
If Earth is too much for you, then you should be mindful of your stomach and digestive system.
The mountain stops the wind.
That's a sign of slowing down the movements.
Don't forget to have enough outdoor sports.
General Fortune: Your Opportunity will be blocked by someone. Don't worry about the obstruction. You should build good friendships with people giving you advice. They will guide you to success. Using your wisdom and foresight, wait for the better opportunity.
2018 Chinese Horoscopes for all 12 animals
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2018 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday
Above 2018 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.
For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between DAY MASTER and Dog Zodiac Sign of 2018. The DAY MASTER of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.
2018 Prediction of Day Master vs. Dog Year
Chinese Five Elements Astrology converts Zodiac Signs into Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. By analyzing all attractive and fighting relationships between Five Elements and animals in the birth chart, it can tell you what major events regarding career, wealth, friendship, love, marriage, or reputation are coming toward you.
Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.
2018 Chinese Daily Five Element Astrology
2018 Rise and Fall Chart
It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than 2018 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.
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