Year of Dog - 2018 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Rat
This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2018 is for people born in Rat years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Pig, not Rat. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.
What Does the Rat Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2018
When seeing the Rat, Dog will chase it and try to catch it.
So Rat is afraid of Dog.
Rat is active at night and likes to steal Dog's food.
Rat is connected to placid water or rain.
According to Five Elements theory, Dog is in the Earth group.
Dog is connected to the mountain, hill or tall wall.
Water is blocked when flowing toward the mountains.
Water needs to make the curve to bypass the mountains.
Dropping on the mountain, Rainwater will be absorbed by the mountain and disappear very quickly.
Rat Water is overcome by the Dog Mountain.
Dog contains mainly Male Earth, some Female Fire and Female Metal.
Since Earth can let Water disappear, Earth brings Water the pressure.
Earth can represent Water's career, job, supervision, police, and legal restrictions.
Dog contains Fire. Water can extinguish Fire.
Water can overcome the Fire. Fire represents Money to Water.
Dog has a nickname "Storage Room of Fire" in Chinese astrology.
Therefore, Dog is a treasure box to Rat Water.
Rat will steal Dog's money from the storage room.
Dog also contains Metal.
Metal container can make a room for the Water.
Metal can protect Water. Metal is the Mother Element of Water.
Therefore, Rat Water can find the supporter or mentor around the Dog.
The Earth of Dog overcomes the Water of Rat.
Rat is the Money Star to Dog.
Rat can bring in money for Dog.
Dog can provide the job position for Rat.
Rat is in the Water group. Water is connected to the wisdom.
Using its intelligent knowledge, Rat can get a good pay by helping Dog's business.
They have mutual benefit when working together.
2018 Chinese Zodiac Rat in Dog Year Prediction
Chinese Zodiac Rat vs. the 2018 Year of Dog
When Rat meets Dog, the sign is the water flowing to the mountain, or the raindrop on the mountain.
Career: Your career luck is very good. You have talent and are able to bring good income for the company. Your boss will appreciate your dedication. Your income and reward will be quite stable. If your task is overloaded or you encounter the troubles, someone will appear to help you to solve the problems. If you have a promotion opportunity, you should go for it to accept the challenge. The sign of success is strong. However, increasing the responsibilities and pressures on the new position is unavoidable.
Job Change:
Dog will make you busy in the office.
Your project might proceed at the peak time.
You might be too focusing on your current routine work and ignoring the job opportunities.
If the company gives you a chance of promotion, then you should consider accepting it.
It's same that a career opportunity is offered by a different company, then you need to seriously think about to stay or leave.
Whether you continue to work at same position or advance to a new position, your job responsibilities and duties will increase.
With your confidence and courage, your career future is promising.
Wealth: Fire represents your money. Dog is the mountain and contains the Fire element. Dog is your treasure mountain, which is a Storeroom of Fire. That implies Dog will help you to save money. Plus, Rat and Dog have attraction relationship into Fire. That means your job provide you a good income and bonus. The extra income gives you luxury life style. Therefore your money luck is very good, but you have to work to earn it.
Love relationship shows a good sign.
You have a lot of opportunities to meet with the opposite sex.
The most of opportunities are is in your working environment.
So you can increase the social activities with your colleagues or business partners in career circle.
The Earth of the Dog represents a woman's boyfriend or husband.
If a female has the desire to be a woman in love and has the courage to accept love relationship, then she will have very good opportunities to meet the a gentleman she likes.
Rat is Female Water. Dog is Male Earth.
In Chinese Astrology, Female Water and Male Earth together have attraction relationship into Fire.
Fire represents Rat's girlfriend or wife.
If you are a man, then the opportunities are waiting for you.
But you need to pursuit it.
Therefore, you must get along with Dog first, and then you can find your soul mate via the Dog's relationship.
Also, there is a Fire hidden inside the Dog.
You need to ask Dog, and then Dog will tell you where the girl is.
If you are in love, then this is a good time to consider having deeper relationship with your lover.
If you are in married, then you and your spouse have a sweet love relationship during this period.
Social Circle: Since your work hours will increase and the job keeps you busy. Your social activities will be relatively reduced. People relationship in the work environment is important to you. Spending more time with your coworkers and partners, you will get help easily when you need one. It's better to attend the outdoor events with them under sunshine during Weekends and holidays. This can build the foundation for your career development.
Quarrel: If you have a quarrel, argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then your daily life will be bothered badly. It could end up a big money loss to you. You are a person of wisdom. You'd better truce for peace as early as possible. The best is that we don't create a conflict at the beginning and avoid the quarrel.
Health: Rat is Female Water, which is the winter cold water. You should have more outdoor exercises. Walking, jogging, climbing and cycling are good options. You need to take full advantage of the sun, to warm your body and mind, to improve spirituality and wisdom. Dog contains lots of Earth. Therefore, pay attention to your stomach and digestive system. Also, make sure no stones or tumors around kidneys.
General Fortune: Dog will bring you good fortune. But it's required a little bit of challenge. Fire is your money. The sun is in the Fire group. Increasing outdoor activities to enjoy the sun will help your money luck. Your love relationship is good too. You should cherish the opportunity.
2018 Chinese Horoscopes for all 12 animals
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2018 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday
Above 2018 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.
For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between DAY MASTER and Dog Zodiac Sign of 2018. The DAY MASTER of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.
2018 Prediction of Day Master vs. Dog Year
Chinese Five Elements Astrology converts Zodiac Signs into Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. By analyzing all attractive and fighting relationships between Five Elements and animals in the birth chart, it can tell you what major events regarding career, wealth, friendship, love, marriage, or reputation are coming toward you.
Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.
2018 Chinese Daily Five Element Astrology
2018 Rise and Fall Chart
It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than 2018 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.
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