Chinese New Year 2019 - Year of the Brown Pig
When is the Chinese New Year 2019?
The 2019 Chinese New Year Day is on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 in China's time zone. This day is the new moon day of the first Chinese lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar system. The exact new moon time is at 5:04 on 2019-02-05 in China time zone.
Chinese New Year 2019 animal sign is the Brown Pig. Chinese calendar combines solar, lunar and 60 Stem-Branch counting systems.
The 60 Stem-Branch calendar uses the names of Yin Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth)
and 12 animals to rank the sequences. Five elements are connected to five colors - White, Black, Green, Red, and Brown.
So Chinese use the color animal name to count the year. The name of 2019 is the Female Earth Pig.
Brown is connected to Earth. Therefore, 2019 is also called
Brown Earth Pig Year.
The first day of the Brown Pig year is not the Chinese New Year Day in Chinese Astrology.
The first day of the Tiger month is the first day of the Chinese Astrology year. This day is called Start of Spring,
which is the date when the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac.
This day is around February 4, each year. <>2019 Chinese
Brown Pig starts on February 4, 2019> in China's time zone. That
means Chinese Lunar New Year is not the first day of Brown Pig Year.
If a baby is born on or after February 4, 2019, then baby's zodiac sign is the Pig, not Dog.
How Old is China?
The Chinese believe that the first king of China was the Yellow King (he was not the first emperor of China).
The Yellow King became king in 2697 B.C., therefore China will enter the 4716th year on
Tuesday, February 5, 2019.
Also, the Chinese Year uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch counting systems and the
Female Earth Pig is the 36th Stem-Branch in the cycle.
Since 4716 = (60 * 78) + 36, therefore 2019 of Earth Pig Year is the 4716th Chinese Year.
Some web sites say the year 2019 is the 4717th Chinese year.
If you cannot find the explanation, here is a possible answer for you.
The Yellow King's inauguration was held in the spring of 2697 B.C.
But the calendar of Yellow King used the winter solstice day as the first day of the year.
The winter solstice was on around December 23rd, 2698 B.C.
Today's January 1st means nothing to Yellow King.
If we count that extra eight days in 2698 B.C. for a year, then year 2019 is the 4717th Chinese year.
2019 is the 4716th Chinese Year.
However, Chinese civilization is up to 8000 years.
The Dadiwan relics
show the civilization of houses, palaces, cooking tools, color pottery, weapons, artifacts and agriculture. Archaeologists doubt the I-Ching was invested there.
What happens to You & the World 2019?
What's meaning of Brown Earth Pig?
Ji-Hai is the Chinese zodiac name of Stem-Branch calendar for 2019. Each zodiac is labeled with a name of Yin-Yang Five Elements. Ji is Yin Earth. Hai is Pig. Therefore, the name of 2019 is called Yin Earth Pig. Yin is female and Yang is male. The color of Earth is Brown. 2019 is the Female Brown Earth Pig year.
The first Stem-Branch name is found in the document around 1739 B.C. The original stems and branches only use for counting the days. Using Stem-Branch to count for Month, Hour and Year sequences began around 206 B.C. during Chin dynasty and Han dynasty. Using the season changing information, Chinese Yin Yang Five Element scholars converted all zodiac signs into five elements. The theory of Five Elements becomes the foundation of Chinese fortunetelling.
Yin Earth is wet soil, garden soil or farmland.
Yin Earth is female and can grow flowers, plants and crops.
Yin Earth is the 6th element of 10 Heavenly Stems.
Yin Earth is the flatland, plains or the ground.
It can tolerate when people jump and trample it.
That implies friendly attitude and love of Mother Earth.
The characteristics of Yin Earth are steady, mild, polite, calm and emotional.
The other traits of Yin Earth are defiant, suspicious, jealous, stubborn, and dishonest.
The flatland is too low. Yin Earth cannot see objects far away.
Yin Earth is lack of foresight.
The color of Yin Earth is brown.
The location of Yin Earth is in the center.
Pig is the last animal sign of 12 Earthly Branches.
Pig is in the Water group according to Chinese Five Element theory.
Water is related to wisdom.
Pig is connected to river or running water.
Pig has wisdom, initiative and energy.
Pig is not lazy.
Pig Month is November, the first month of the winter.
So Pig is the cold water in the winter.
In Chinese I-Ching, Water is connected to the danger.
When river water is overflowing, it might cause flooding.
The sign of Pig is offensive and encroachment.
Pig contains mainly Yang Water with some Yang Wood.
Yang Wood is related to tall tree, landmark, boss or leader.
The characteristics of Pig are kind, generous, magnanimous, warm-hearted and considerate with Leadership skill.
Yin Earth Pig ranks 36th out of 60 Stem-Branches.
Yin Earth is the Heavenly Stem and Pig is the Earthly Branch in Chinese Zodiac calendar.
Since the color of Yin Earth is brown, therefore, Yin Earth Pig Year is also called the Brown Pig Year.
Yin Earth stands for wet soil or farmland.
According to Chinese Five Elements, Pig is Yang Water.
Yang Water stands for running water or river.
The sign of Yin Earth Pig is that a farmland is adjacent to a river.
Farmland needs water for growing plants.
But rive brings potential risk of flooding.
Water represents money to Yin Earth.
Pig brings money opportunity to Yin Earth.
But too greedy about money might cause the trouble.
Yin Earth is the wet farmland soil.
It will become muddy when mixing with large amount of water.
Pig becomes muddy and dirty when playing around on it.
It's a Dirty and Muddy Pig Year.
Earth and Water have two combinations in Chinese I-Ching.
One is that Water like river flows on the ground.
Water is a resource for living.
People will get together around the river.
This is a sign of prosperity.
The other case is Water is under the ground.
People will look for water resource.
Water represents danger in I-Ching.
This is a sign of a dispute or a war.
Pig also contains Yang Wood.
Yang Wood is tall tree or big wood.
Yang Wood can be a boat flowing on the river.
Water represents wisdom in Chinese Five Elements theory.
Pig should make you smarter.
If Yin Earth bring you trouble, you might find a solution from Yang Wood.
2019 Chinese Horoscope Forecasts
Chinese Fortune Calendar provides two different 2019 predictions. The first
method is the simple Chinese Zodiac Prediction
to analyze the relationship between Brown Pig and your zodiac sign. The second
method is the traditional Chinese
Five Element Astrology. It will read your complete Chinese Astrology birth
chart, Find Your Lucky
Element, then forecast your luck in the Brown Pig year. This way is
required your correct birthday and birth time.
Chinese New Year Festival Before and After
Chinese New Year festival is from Chinese New Year Day to Chinese Lantern Festival for 15 days long.
Chinese families have to prepare for the Chinese New Year festival a month ago.
To understand those events, we need to know Chinese history and cultural background.
2019 Feng Shui for Chinese New Year
8-White Star flies into the center palace of the 9-Star diagram in 2019. Therefore, the kua number of 2019 is 8-White.
Lucky directions are
1 (White) is connected to Business, Romance, Social
4 (Green) is connected to Intelligence, Academic Achievement.
6 (White) is connected to Windfall, Money, Power, Position.
8 (White) is connected to Money, Wealth.
9 (Purple) is connected to Happiness, Marriage.
Unlucky directions are
(Black) is connected to Illness and Sickness.
3 (Green) is connected to Quarrel, Dispute, Lawsuit.
5 (Yellow) is connected to Sick, Trouble, Bad Luck.
7 (Red) is connected to Robbery, Villain.
The most unlucky direction is Yellow 5 at the southwest side. Do not have any
remodeling in the western area of your house.
List 2019 Rich, Romantic, Wisdom Houses using Feng Shui Flying Stars
More detailed information is available in the
Farmer Calendar CD.
Chinese Fortune Calendar
By Master Allen Tsai on April 15, 2022