Year of Rat - 2020 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Dog
This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2020 is for people born in Dog years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Chicken, not Dog. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.
What Does the Dog Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2020
The Dog has a good sense of smell and is a very alert and vigilant animal.
The Dog is straightforward, loyal, and brave.
It has a strong sense of responsibility.
The Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to mountain, hill or alpine.
The Rat is cold Yin Water in December.
The Rat is connected to rain, drizzle, placid water or lake.
The Rat is agile, clever, tricky, active, thoughtful, sharp-sighted and staying alert.
Dog hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Rat hour is from 11:00 p.m. to 01:00 a.m. in the early morning.
Watching Dog chases Rat away at night.
The Rat steals Dog food midnight.
The Dog contains Yang Earth, some Yin Fire, and Yin Metal.
The Rat contains Yin Water.
Earth of Dog can absorb Water of Rat.
The Water of Rat represents your money.
Therefore, Rat brings you good luck in wealth.
The Dog brings pressures on Rat.
The Dog represents the Rat's career or boss.
The Fire of Dog is afraid of Water.
The Fire of Dog is the money to Rat.
The Dog is the employer and Rat is the employee.
The Dog pays the Rat salary.
They mutually benefit each other.
Dog meets Rat is rain falling on the mountain.
Rainwater will be absorbed quickly and flows down to the valley.
Water is related to Dog's money.
Without a dam, the Dog cannot save money.
2020 Chinese Zodiac Dog in Rat Year Prediction
Chinese Zodiac Dog vs. the 2020 Year of Rat
Dog meets Rat is the sign of Raindrops down on Mountain or blessing from heaven.
The tree can grow on the top of the ground.
Wood can conquer Earth.
Wood gives Earth pressures.
Wood represents your career.
The Rat contains Water without Fire.
You probably are not pursuing the job position soon.
That means your career won't have too much change in the cycle of Rat.
But Rat is your money star.
Your good performance should bring you a better income.
Yin Water of Rat and Yang Earth of Dog have attraction relationship into Fire.
Fire is the mother element of Earth.
Fire can protect the Dog.
If you encounter trouble at work, someone will appear to help you.
Therefore, your career luck is great.
Job Change: If a company offers you a new position, then you can consider accepting the position. Your people's relationship is good and money luck is excellent. This is a good opportunity to accept the promotion. But you still need to bring up your energy and passion for the opportunity. You also need to make a decision quickly. Otherwise, the opportunity will disappear.
The Dog is related to Earth and mountains.
Water is your Money Star.
The Rat is connected to rain.
Rain falling from heaven is the blessing.
Your luck in wealth is excellent.
But rain will be gone eventually.
Therefore, you need to seize the opportunity.
Mountain cannot absorb all the water.
Rainwater will flow down the bottom of the mountain.
That implies you have trouble to save the money.
For money management, you should ask advice from financial experts.
Rat and Dog have a Fire attractive relationship.
Fire stands for Dog's guardian angel, benefactor, mentor or protector.
People care about you in the cycle of Rat.
Caring for someone could become loving someone.
If you are a gentleman, then Water represents your girlfriend or wife.
If you are a single man, then you have good opportunities to meet your ideal companion.
Therefore, you can attend more social activities, your true love might be there waiting for you.
If you are a lady, then Wood represents your boyfriend or husband.
Rat contains only Water.
If you are a single woman, then you might need extra time to find your true love.
You can attend more social events at the park, lawn, garden or forest.
The Rat is one of the romantic stars in Chinese horoscopes.
You might fall in love at first sight when you meet the person.
If you are in love, then you and your lover will be a happy and affectionate couple.
If you are married, then your marriage life is romantic, sweet and blessing marriage life.
Social Circle: Rat and Dog don't have a close friendly relationship. But they are interested in business cooperation or a money deal. In this case, they can have a good business relationship. Therefore, you can show more your thoughtful, cordial, and generous attitude to people. Then you can have a good reputation, better social networking, and people's relationship.
If you argue, dispute or have a lawsuit with someone, then you should negotiate a truce with the rival.
The Rat is related to your money.
The dispute might be related to the money.
You might have better odds to win the case.
But the dispute will last a little bit longer.
It will cost you a lot.
You can find people born in the year of the Monkey as your mediator.
Rat and Monkey have a Water attractive relationship.
Dog and Monkey have some Metal connection.
The Monkey could make a settlement deal between Dog and Rat.
The Dog is a mountain, which is heavy and stable.
You probably are kind of lazy to exercise.
You have many excuses not to exercise.
Rat is the cold water in the winter.
If your birth chart has too much water, then you should pay attention to your kidneys, bladder and the urinary system.
If Fire is too weak in your birth chart, then you should do more outdoor exercises under sunshine.
Walking, hiking, jogging, cycling, gardening, playing ball and walking the dog are good activities for your health.
General Fortune: Dog and Rat are that rainwater drops on the mountain and flows to the bottom of the mountain. That implies money comes and goes.
2020 Chinese Horoscopes for all 12 animals
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2020 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday
Above 2020 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.
For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between DAY MASTER and Rat Zodiac Sign of 2020. The DAY MASTER of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.
2020 Prediction of Day Master vs. Rat Year
Chinese Five Elements Astrology converts Zodiac Signs into Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. By analyzing all attractive and fighting relationships between Five Elements and animals in the birth chart, it can tell you what major events regarding career, wealth, friendship, love, marriage, or reputation are coming toward you.
Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.
2020 Chinese Daily Five Element Astrology
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It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than 2020 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.
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