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Rat Chinese Zodiac 2025, Year of Snake

This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2025 is for people born in Rat years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Pig, not Rat. If you have questions about your Chinese zodiac sign, please check the article on the Verify Your Sign page.

2025 is the Chinese Green Wood Snake Year. The first day of the 2025 Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 3, 2025. This date is the first day of Tiger Month in the Chinese astrological calendar. This date is not the Chinese New Year Day, which is the first lunar day of the first lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The new moon time determines the new moon date. The new moon time is at 20:36 on January 29, 2025, in the China time zone. Therefore, Chinese New Year Day is January 29, 2025.

What Does the Rat Chinese Zodiac Mean in 2025

The Zodiac Rat belongs to the Water element. In the Chinese zodiac, the Rat is associated with Yin Water, which is calm water, cold water, or rain. The Rat is the first of the twelve zodiac signs, signifying both the beginning and the end of cycles. The Rat hour spans from 11 PM to 1 AM, bridging two days. Rats have four toes on their front feet and five on their back feet, embodying both Yin and Yang. Yin water in the sky is clouds and rain; on the ground, it’s streams and dew. Rats are elusive and regarded as clever.

The Zodiac Snake belongs to the Fire group. Its five elements include Yang Fire, Yang Earth, and Yang Metal. Yang Fire is the sun, Yang Earth is a mountain, and Yang Metal is a strong wind. Therefore, the Zodiac Snake is like the sun on a clear, breezy day above a mountain. The sun shines brightly, illuminating the earth impartially and providing positive energy. The Snake also signifies movement and change, like driving, traveling, and restlessness. However, just like the sun sets every day, the Snake’s enthusiasm can cool down.

When a Rat meets a Snake, it’s like seeing the sun after rain. This suggests that problems can be resolved soon, but it might be unpredictable. Therefore, seizing opportunities promptly is crucial.

The Yin Water of the Rat extinguishes and overcomes the Fire of the Snake, suggesting the Rat might have an advantage, like how a weasel can eat a snake. However, the snake can also swallow the Rat, so caution is necessary. Yang Earth of the Snake and Yin Water of the Rat are attracted to each other, forming the energy of Fire, symbolizing that the Rat's Water transforms into Fire, akin to the Rat being consumed by the Snake. Thus, the relationship between the Rat and the Snake is a mix of conflict and harmony, indicating that a balanced relationship is possible.

2025 Chinese Zodiac Rat in Snake Year Prediction

Chinese Zodiac Rat vs. the 2025 Year of Snake

RatSnake 2025 is the Year of the Green Snake. You were born in the Year of Rat. The following is the Green Snake year prediction for people born in the year of the Rat.

The sign of a Rat encountering a Snake is like a rainy day suddenly clearing up, indicating opportunities are coming.


Earth absorbs and overcomes the Water of the Rat. Earth represents your career. The Zodiac Rat is in the Water group, and the Zodiac Snake is in the Fire group, containing Yang Earth, which symbolizes career advancement and prosperity for the Zodiac Rat. The Water of the Rat extinguishing the Fire of the Snake indicates that work will bring good rewards.

The Yin Water and Yang Earth of the Snake could combine and transform into Fire, signifying smooth communication with superiors, leading to dedication and focus on work. Thus, your job should bring you a good income.

Job Change

Encountering the Zodiac Snake, the Zodiac Rat will gain good financial and career luck, expecting good income and smooth career progress. Relationships with superiors are positive, and work goes well.

If a company offers you an opportunity to switch jobs and you prefer working in a challenging and bigger environment, you should take action quickly. The Snake is associated with the Traveling Star in Chinese astrology. If you have a strong passion for the new position, the change will be beneficial.


The Rat is Yin Water. Water extinguishes and conquers Fire, and Fire represents your wealth. The Snake is Yang Fire, big fire or the sun. When the Zodiac Rat meets the Zodiac Snake, it means financial luck is excellent and income opportunities are often present.

The Yang Earth of the Snake and the Yin Water of the Rat are attracted to each other and form an additional Fire element. Yang Earth is connected to tall mountains, representing your work. This means that you focus on and enjoy your work, eventually generating a decent income. Therefore, a great financial opportunity is coming soon, so make sure to seize it.


The five elements of the Rat and the Snake involve a mixture of conflict and harmony, indicating that interpersonal relationships can be both good and bad, and romantic relationships can be unpredictable. The Earth element of the Snake and the Water element of the Rat combine to form Fire. Therefore, those born in the year of the Rat also have a chance to get caught up in a whirlwind romance.

Fire represents the girlfriend or wife of a male. The Snake contains Yang Fire, which is a big fire or the sun. Single males have many opportunities to meet women, which can easily ignite a passion for love. They might find someone they like in their work environment. Married individuals or those already in a relationship will enjoy a sweet and loving connection with their partner, often inseparable.

Earth overcomes Water. The Earth element in the Snake represents the boyfriend or husband of a female. Thus, women also have plenty of chances to meet men. Single women, as long as they feel a ripple of emotions, will likely develop a longing for love. In their work and social circles, there are many opportunities to encounter an ideal partner. Sometimes these opportunities might appear and disappear, so don't give up; sometimes, you just need to wait.

Social Circle

The Yin Water of the Rat has a destructive nature. Rats like to come out at midnight, a time crossing over Yin and Yang, making them unpredictable. The Zodiac Snake, on the other hand, is Yang Fire, representing the open and straightforward, without secrets. The relationship between the Rat and the Snake can be unpredictable.

Fortunately, the Yang Earth in the Snake and the Yin Water in the Rat have a harmonious relationship. This means that through communication, the Zodiac Rat and Snake can enhance their understanding of each other, leading to pretty good interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the Zodiac Rat should participate in larger group activities to absorb more positive energy, which can help expand their network.


If you have an argument, dispute, or lawsuit with someone, you will find yourself trapped in confusion. However, the truth will soon come to light, and everything will be clear.

If it's a legal case, it might entangle you for a while. Therefore, a wise Rat should aim for an early settlement. It's best to avoid creating conflicts and arguments from the start to prevent trouble.


The Rat is Yin Water, cold water. When the Rat encounters the Snake's Fire, the warmth of the sun benefits the cold water, promoting health.

The Zodiac Snake belongs to the Fire group and contains Yang Fire, Yang Earth, and Yang Metal. Fire is the mother element of Earth, and Earth is the mother element of Metal. Thus, the energy of the Snake flows towards Metal. The Metal of the Snake can provide good energy to Yin Water. Therefore, when the Rat meets the Snake, the five elements circulate well, leading to physical comfort, abundant energy, vitality, and good health.

The Zodiac Rat encountering the Zodiac Snake involves Water, Fire, Earth, and Metal, with only Wood missing. People with a shortage of wood in their birth charts should pay attention to the health of their limbs, liver, and gallbladder, as well as their nervous system. They should relax more, engage in outdoor activities, and spend time in green spaces, parks, and forests to absorb fresh air.

General Fortune

Career and financial opportunities are present, though they might be fleeting. Immediate action is necessary to seize them, leading to abundant rewards. Persistence despite obstacles will lead to success.

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2025 Chinese Horoscope Prediction by Birthday

Above 2025 Chinese Zodiac Prediction gives you limited information. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Birth Year of your Horoscope Birth Chart. Your zodiac sign of birth year is related to your early life, family tradition, culture, and your external personality. It's connected to your appearance and the public relationship.

For more detail and accurate prediction, you need to read the relationship between Day Master and the Snake Zodiac Sign of 2025. The Day Master of the birth chart represents you in Chinese Horoscopes.

It's required your birthday to know your Chinese astrology birth chart and your Day Master. Your Day Master is the upper element showing on the DAY column of the birth chart. You can find it on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign page. The following link is the 2025 Chinese Zodiac Prediction using the Day Master.

Our Daily Chinese Horoscope provides the prediction information of yearly, monthly, and daily cycles for the coming year. But it's required your birthday and birth time to have free reading. If you don't know your birth time, then ask your mother or find your birth certificate.

2025 Rise and Fall Chart

It's more meaningful to know our fortune of the entire life than the 2025 Chinese zodiac prediction. Chinese Five Element Astrology can reveal your Lucky Element and tell you how to improve your fortune using the Lucky Element guide. Chinese Fortune Calendar also tells the valuable secret of your life - the Rise and Fall Chart. By taking this advantage, you can plan for your future in advance.

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