Time Zone CHINAESTCST MSTPSTYST HST01 234 567 8910 1112-1 -2-3-4 -5-6-7 -8-9-10 -11-12 (Optional) City longitude use negative for west longitude
List five elements in months from year 1900190419101916 1920193019311932 1933193419351936 1937193819391940 1941194219431944 1945194619471948 1949195019511952 1953195419551956 1957195819591960 1961196219631964 1965196619671968 1969197019711972 1973197419751976 1977197819791980 1981198219831984 1985198619871988 1989199019911992 1993199419951996 1997199819992000 200120022003 2004
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