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Cookie Settings for Daily Chinese Astrology

We are expecting you will come back our site often to check your Daily Chinese Astrology. It required a very long programming calculation to find your daily astrology, which might make our Internet server very busy. So we want to save some of your birthday information into cookie inside your computer on the first day. On the next day, we can compute your daily astrology faster.

Therefore, you computer must accept cookie handling under security settings. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, then you can set the security level to Medium.

Also, go to the Privacy tab, to set Privacy security level to Medium too.

Also, you might get the Cookie usage warning message as below. You need to click Yes button to run our daily Chinese astrology pages.

If these Cookie settings won't work for you, then you need to check the Privacy of Internet options to override the setting and accept the cookie handling.

To change the cookie setting is to click the Tools in the Menu Bar of Microsoft Internet Explorer, then select the 'Internet Options...' from the drop down.


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