2030 Chinese New Year Calendars - Year of White Dog
2030 is the 4727th Chinese year. The 2030 Chinese New Year Day is on Sunday, February 3, 2030 in China's time zone. The last day of 2030 year is on Wednesday, January 22, 2031.
2030 is the year of Male White Metal Dog, which is the 47th of 60 zodiac signs (Stem-Branch calendar) counting system. The first day of 2030 Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 4, 2030. The last day of 2030 Year is on February 3, 2031.
The Cycle of the Purple White Flying Stars is in Period 8 (2004-2023) of 8-White Earth (Ken). 6-White Star flies into the center palace of the 9-Star diagram in 2030. The kua number of 2030 is 6-White.
2030 Chinese Lunar Calendar
Chinese New Year Day is the first lunar day of the first Chinese lunar month. That means the new moon day is the first lunar day. The new moon day could fall to different day in different time zone. Therefore, 2030 lunar months have different pattern between China and USA time zones.
- Lunar Month 1 begins from February 3, 2030 to March 3, 2030
- Lunar Month 2 begins from March 4, 2030 to April 2, 2030
- Lunar Month 3 begins from April 3, 2030 to May 1, 2030
- Lunar Month 4 begins from May 2, 2030 to May 31, 2030
- Lunar Month 5 begins from June 1, 2030 to June 30, 2030
- Lunar Month 6 begins from July 1, 2030 to July 29, 2030
- Lunar Month 7 begins from July 30, 2030 to August 28, 2030
- Lunar Month 8 begins from August 29, 2030 to September 26, 2030
- Lunar Month 9 begins from September 27, 2030 to October 26, 2030
- Lunar Month 10 begins from October 27, 2030 to November 24, 2030
- Lunar Month 11 begins from November 25, 2030 to December 24, 2030
- Lunar Month 12 begins from December 25, 2030 to January 22, 2031
Chinese Lunar Month Calendar in Your Time Zone
2030 Chinese Zodiac Stem-Branch Calendar
The first month of the Chinese zodiac year is the Tiger month. That starts at the time of the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac. Therefore, this is a solar calendar. The Tiger month always begins around February 4 each year. Chinese Astrology birth chart is built by the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, not the Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese zodiac sign is determined by the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, not Chinese New Year day.
- Tiger month is from February 4, 2030 to March 4, 2030
- Rabbit month is from March 5, 2030 to April 4, 2030
- Dragon month is from April 5, 2030 to May 4, 2030
- Snake month is from May 5, 2030 to June 4, 2030
- Horse month is from June 5, 2030 to July 6, 2030
- Sheep month is from July 7, 2030 to August 6, 2030
- Monkey month is from August 7, 2030 to September 6, 2030
- Chicken month is from September 7, 2030 to October 7, 2030
- Dog month is from October 8, 2030 to November 6, 2030
- Pig month is from November 7, 2030 to December 6, 2030
- Rat month is from December 7, 2030 to January 4, 2031
- Cow month is from January 5, 2031 to February 3, 2031
Chinese Zodiac Months in Your Time Zone
2030 Chinese Monthly Baby Gender Calendar
Master Tsai highly recommends using the following 2030 Chinese Baby Gender Calendar for the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. We combine Chinese zodiac months and Chinese lunar Months into 2030 Chinese Zodiac-Lunar Months, which contains lunar days in both lunar months and its corresponding zodiac months. This will increase the accuracy of Chinese Baby Gender Predictor.
- Tiger - Lunar Month 1 is from February 4, 2030 to March 3, 2030
- Rabbit - Lunar Month 2 is from March 5, 2030 to April 2, 2030
- Dragon - Lunar Month 3 is from April 5, 2030 to May 1, 2030
- Snake - Lunar Month 4 is from May 5, 2030 to May 31, 2030
- Horse - Lunar Month 5 is from June 5, 2030 to June 30, 2030
- Sheep - Lunar Month 6 is from July 7, 2030 to July 29, 2030
- Monkey - Lunar Month 7 is from August 7, 2030 to August 28, 2030
- Chicken - Lunar Month 8 is from September 7, 2030 to September 26, 2030
- Dog - Lunar Month 9 is from October 8, 2030 to October 26, 2030
- Pig - Lunar Month 10 is from November 7, 2030 to November 24, 2030
- Rat - Lunar Month 11 is from December 7, 2030 to December 24, 2030
- Cow - Lunar Month 12 is from January 5, 2031 to January 22, 2031
Find Zodiac-Lunar Months in Your Time Zone
Chinese 24 Seasons Calendar - Section & Center Points
The Chinese calendar combines the lunar and solar systems together. The lunar calendar is the cycle of the moon. The solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar segments according to the sun positions on the tropical zodiac (Similar to western astrology). Each segment's name was given for ancient Chinese farmers' use. The first month, Tiger month, begins from the Start of Spring segment or when the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac. The second month, Rabbit month, begins from the Excited Insects segment or when the sun enters 345th degree. The beginning of a solar month is called the Section Point. The middle point of a solar month is called the Center Point. There are 12 Section Points and 12 Center Points in a year. 12 Center Points are equivalent to 12 western horoscopes. For example, the segments of Rain Water and Vernal Equinox are Center Points. The astrology names of Pisces and Aries apply to these Center Points. More information is at the theory of Chinese Lunar Calendar. Chinese Astrology Calendar and Chinese Farmer's Calendar use solar months.
- Little Cold begins at 1/5/2030 15:31
- Severe Cold begins at 1/20/2030 8:56
- Start of Spring begins at 2/4/2030 3:10
- Rain Water begins at 2/18/2030 23:01
- Excited Insects begins at 3/5/2030 21:04
- Vernal Equinox begins at 3/20/2030 21:53
- Clear and Bright begins at 4/5/2030 1:41
- Grain Rains begins at 4/20/2030 8:45
- Start of Summer begins at 5/5/2030 18:46
- Grain Fills begins at 5/21/2030 7:41
- Grain in Ear begins at 6/5/2030 22:45
- Summer Solstice begins at 6/21/2030 15:31
- Slight Heat begins at 7/7/2030 8:57
- Great Heat begins at 7/23/2030 2:26
- Start of Autumn begins at 8/7/2030 18:47
- Still Hot begins at 8/23/2030 9:36
- White Dew begins at 9/7/2030 21:53
- Autumnal Equinox begins at 9/23/2030 7:27
- Cold Dew begins at 10/8/2030 13:45
- Frost Descends begins at 10/23/2030 17:01
- Start of Winter begins at 11/7/2030 17:10
- Light Snow begins at 11/22/2030 14:46
- Heavy Snow begins at 12/7/2030 10:08
- Winter Solstice begins at 12/22/2030 4:11
Chinese 24 Season Points in Your Time Zone
2030 Monthly Five Elements Calendar
This calendar is for people using Chinese Yin Yang Five Element Applications, such as Chinese astrology, feng shui, herbal medicine and acupuncture. Since each Chinese zodiac contains different Five Elements, we can sum up the five element scores for each lunar month.
2030 Monthly Five Elements | ||||||
Month-Begin | Stem & Branch | Metal | Water | Wood | Fire | Earth |
01/05/2030 15:31 | Red Cow Fire | 3 | 9 | 0 | 30 | 18 |
02/04/2030 3:10 | Brown Tiger Earth | 0 | 0 | 16 | 7 | 37 |
03/05/2030 21:4 | Brown Rabbit Earth | 0 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 30 |
04/05/2030 1:41 | White Dragon Metal | 30 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 18 |
05/05/2030 18:46 | White Snake Metal | 37 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 7 |
06/05/2030 22:45 | Black Horse Water | 0 | 30 | 0 | 20 | 10 |
07/07/2030 8:57 | Black Sheep Water | 0 | 30 | 3 | 9 | 18 |
08/07/2030 18:47 | Green Monkey Wood | 16 | 7 | 30 | 0 | 7 |
09/07/2030 21:53 | Green Chicken Wood | 30 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 0 |
10/08/2030 13:45 | Red Dog Fire | 9 | 0 | 0 | 33 | 18 |
11/07/2030 17:10 | Red Pig Fire | 0 | 20 | 10 | 30 | 0 |
12/07/2030 10:8 | Brown Rat Earth | 0 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
2030 Monthly Five Elements in Your Time Zone
2030 Monthly Flying Stars Calendar
2030 is Chinese Zodiac White Dog Year. The Feng Shui Kua Number of 2030 is 6. The Purple-White Flying Star of 2030 is 6-White. It begins from February 4, 2030 to February 3, 2031. 6-White resides at the center palace of the 9-Star diagram.
South | |||||||||||
East |
| West | |||||||||
North |
The following is the 2030 Monthly Purple-White Flying Star diagrams of China time zone.
2030 Monthly Flying Stars - China Time Zone | |||||||||||
Month-Begin | Kua | Flying Stars | |||||||||
Tiger 02/04/2030 3:10 | 5-Brown Earth |
| |||||||||
Rabbit 03/05/2030 21:4 | 4-Green Wood |
| |||||||||
Dragon 04/05/2030 1:41 | 3-Emerald Wood |
| |||||||||
Snake 05/05/2030 18:46 | 2-Black Earth |
| |||||||||
Horse 06/05/2030 22:45 | 1-White Water |
| |||||||||
Sheep 07/07/2030 8:57 | 9-Purple Fire |
| |||||||||
Monkey 08/07/2030 18:47 | 8-White Earth |
| |||||||||
Chicken 09/07/2030 21:53 | 7-Red Metal |
| |||||||||
Dog 10/08/2030 13:45 | 6-White Metal |
| |||||||||
Pig 11/07/2030 17:10 | 5-Brown Earth |
| |||||||||
Rat 12/07/2030 10:8 | 4-Green Wood |
| |||||||||
Cow 01/05/2031 21:24 | 3-Emerald Wood |
Chinese Monthly Feng Shui Flying Star in Your Time Zone
2030 Chinese Festivals and Holidays
Most of Chinese Festivals are from Chinese Lunar Calendar.
- Chinese New Year is on February 3, 2030. (1st lunar day of 1st lunar month)
- Chinese Lantern Festival is on February 17, 2030. (15th lunar day of 1st lunar month)
- Ching-Ming/Tomb Sweeping Day is on April 5, 2030
- Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is on June 5, 2030. (5th lunar day of 5th lunar month)
- Chinese Valentine Day is on August 5, 2030. (7th lunar day of 7th lunar month)
- Chinese Ghost Festival is on August 13, 2030. (15th lunar day of 7th lunar month)
- Chinese Ghost Month is from July 30, 2030 to August 29, 2030
- Chinese Moon Festival is on September 12, 2030. (15th lunar day of 8th lunar month)
- Chinese Elder's Day is on October 5, 2030. (9th lunar day of 9th lunar month)
The following Chinese national holidays are from People Republic China Government. In order to have long holidays, Chinese Government work 2 days on the previous weekend for another 2 days off after the holiday. All Chinese companies follow the rules. Employees who work on the national holidays can have double-time pay. They might have triple pay on the day of the festival.
2030 Chinese National Holidays | |||
Holiday | Date | Day Off | Note |
New Year's Day | Tuesday, January 1, 2030 | 12/30/2029 - 01/01/2030 | |
Chinese New Year Day | Sunday, February 3, 2030 | 2/2/2030 - 2/5/2030 | 1-week Spring Festival |
Ching-Ming Festival | Friday, April 5, 2030 | 4/5/2030 - 4/7/2030 | Tomb Sweeping |
May Labor Day | Wednesday, May 1, 2030 | 5/1/2030 | |
Dragon Boat Festival | Wednesday, June 5, 2030 | 6/5/2030 - 6/7/2030 | Dragon boat racing |
Mid-Autumn Festival | Thursday, September 12, 2030 | 9/12/2030 - 9/14/2030 | Moon Cake Festival |
National Day | Tuesday, October 1, 2030 | 10/1/2030 - 10/3/2030 | End up 7-day holiday |
Find Chinese Festivals and Holidays in Your Time Zone
Coming Chinese New Year Days
The new moon day is the first lunar day. The new moon time determines the new moon date. The following Chinese New Year Days are calculated for China Time Zone.
Chinese New Year Dates in China Time Zone | |||
Year | Zodiac Animal Sign | New Year | First Zodiac |
2030 | White Metal Dog | Sunday, Feb. 3, 2030 | February 4, 2030 |
2031 | White Metal Pig | Thursday, Jan. 23, 2031 | February 4, 2030 |
2032 | Black Water Rat | Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2032 | February 4, 2030 |