Chinese New Year 2025: Birthday of Jade Emperor is Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Birthday of Jade Emperor, King of Heaven
2025 is the 4722th Chinese year. 2025 Chinese New Year Day is on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Chinese New Year Day is a new moon day, which is the first lunar day. The 9th lunar day of the first lunar month is Thursday, February 6, 2025. This date is the Birthday of Jade Emperor, the king of the Heaven.
According to Taoism (Daoism), the Jade Emperor lives in the 33rd heaven and governs 33 heavens; so he is the king of heavens. Jade Emperor is a vegetarian. To celebrate his birthday, Chinese prepare three bundles of long noodle, three tea cups with green tea, five different kinds of fruit and six different kinds of dry vegetables to worship Jade Emperor. But people also prepare five animal sacrifices, different sweet cakes and turtle cake (turtle is a symbol of longevity) on a different table for Jade Emperor's guardian soldiers.
To show the sincerity, many people take bath on the 8th lunar night, and then wait for the first minute of 9th lunar day to begin the ceremony with their clean body. After the ceremony, Chinese explode the firecrackers. That's why we can hear the scattered sound of fire crackers from midnight to sunrise. The temple of Jade Emperor will be crowded as the Chinese New Year day at the night of 8th lunar day for those people unable to hold the worship event at home. For the same purpose, Chinese always pray for better luck, safety, health, love or money, when they visit the temple.
Chinese New Year Day - Coming Years
2025 Chinese New Year Dates and Predictions
2026 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026. 2026 is the Red Horse year.
2027 Chinese New Year is on Saturday, February 6, 2027. 2027 is the Red Sheep year.
2028 Chinese New Year is on Wednesday, January 26, 2028. 2028 is the Brown Monkey year.
2029 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 13, 2029. 2029 is the Brown Chicken year.
2030 Chinese New Year is on Sunday, February 3, 2030. 2030 is the White Dog year.
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By Master Allen Tsai on Monday, December 16, 2024