Different Time Zones, Different Chinese Zodiac Birth Charts on February 3, 2021

The First Day of the Metal Cow Year, February 3, 2021
On February 3, 2021, someone emailed me that our Chinese Farmer's Calendar, a.k.a. Chinese Farmer's Almanac showed incorrect zodiac year on the webpage. According to the 2021 Chinese Five Element Astrology: Year of Metal Ox page, the first day of the Metal White Cow year is February 3, 2021. This date is the first day of the Tiger month. But the Chinese Farmer's Calendar displayed the White Rat year and Brown Cow month on February 3, 2021. The Chinese Farmer's Calendar showed correct zodiac year and zodiac month on the next day, February 4, 2021. He asked me which one is correct.
It looks that the Chinese Farmer's Calendar is wrong. I did the research and found the reason. Chinese calendar combines three counting systems of the lunar, solar, and Stem-Branch (Zodiac) calendars. The first astrological day of the astrological year is the first day of the Tiger month. This day is the Start of Spring in the solar calendar. You can find the explanation at the theory of the Chinese Calendar. The Start of Spring of 2021 is on February 3, 2021 at 23:00 p.m. in the China timezone. Therefore, February 3, 2021, is the first day of the Cow or Ox year.
However, the Chinese Farmer's Calendar calculates the daily, monthly, and yearly Chinese zodiac signs using the time at noon 12:00. It's 11 hours away to reach the time of the Start of Spring in the China timezone. After 23:00 p.m. is the Tiger Month of the Cow Year; before 23:00 p.m. is the Cow Month of the Rat Year.
Chinese Astrology Birth Charts - China Timezone
Therefore, if a baby was born on February 3, 2021, at 23:30 p.m., then it's a baby of the Cow year. If a baby was born on February 3, 2021, at 22:30 p.m., then it's a baby of the Rat year. Two bays have completely different Chinese astrology birth charts of China timezone.
February 3, 2021 22:30 China | |||
Hour | Day | Month | Year |
Metal Pig | Water Horse | Earth Cow | Metal Rat |
February 3, 2021 23:30 China | |||
Hour | Day | Month | Year |
Water Rat | Water Horse | Metal Tiger | Metal Cow |
Chinese Astrology Birth Charts - US Pacific Timezone
The Start of Spring is February 3, 2021 at 23:00 p.m. China timezone. Therefore, The Start of Spring is February 3, 2021, at 7:00 a.m. in the US Pacific timezone. It's at 10:00 a.m. in the US Eastern timezone. If a baby was born on February 3, 2021, at 22:30 a.m., then it's a baby of the Cow year.
February 3, 2021 22:30 PCT | |||
Hour | Day | Month | Year |
Metal Pig | Water Horse | Metal Tiger | Metal Cow |
You can see the babies were born at the same time, but they have different astrology birth charts. If a baby was born on February 3, 2021, at 6:00 a.m. in the USA, then it's is the baby of the Rat year.
February 3, 2021 06:00 PCT | |||
Hour | Day | Month | Year |
Water Rabbit | Water Horse | Earth Cow | Metal Rat |
Therefore, the timezone and exact birth time are essential and critical to calculate a correct Chinese Astrology Birth Chart.
How to Adjust Birth Time using Timezone and Longiude - Singapore, Inida, Malaysia
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