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Bill Gates and Melinda's Chinese Zodiac - Marriage and Divorce

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, announced on Twitter that they plan on divorcing after 27 years of marriage on May 3, 2021.

Bill Gates won the title of the richest person in the world for more than a decade. He is currently worth an estimated $130 billion in 2021, the world's fourth-richest person. Melinda Gates is well-educated and a very successful businesswoman. In 2000, she and Bill Gates co-founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on public health, education, and climate change. The foundation spent $5 billion in 2019 on programs in the United States and around the world. They are quiet in their marital relationship. We decide to check their love relationship by Chinese astrology to see what is happening in their marriage.

The Compatibility Score of Love Match is -7

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, and Melinda Gates was born on August 15, 1964. The first thing we check is their Chinese Astrology Fast Love Match Score. We were shocked that their compatibility score of the love match is -7, which is in the category of the "Need Marriage Advisors". Why could they get married? How come the marriage lasts so long? We would like to find an explanation.

Birth Charts, Law of Attractions, Love Relationships

There are three steps to analyze people's marriage life using Chinese astrology.

  1. Find the Day Master
  2. Find the Element of the Spouse
  3. Check the Relationships of 10 Stems and Relationships of 12 Zodiacs

Bill Gates and Melinda French started dating in 1987, which is the Fire Rabbit year. Their wedding date was on January 1, 1994, which was the Water Chicken year. 2021 is the Metal Cow year.

Bill Gates Birth Chart of October 28, 1955


Yang Water
Day Master

Yang Fire

Yin Wood
Dog DogSheep
Major Elements inside Zodiac

Yin Fire

Yang Earth

Yin Fire

Yang Earth

Yin Fire

Yin Earth
Marriage LifeAdulthoodChildhood

Above is the simple Chinese astrology birth chart of Bill Gates. The upper Element Yang Water of the Day Column is called Day Master. Yang Water represents Bill Gates. Earth can absorb Water and brings pressure on Earth. Earth represents Bill's career. Water can conquer and extinguish the Fire. Fire represents Bill's wealth or women. The Yin Fire is his Spouse Star and the Yang Fire is his Windfall Star. The lower row of the Day Column is called the Palace of the Spouse and the Dog is in there. Dog contains Yin Fire. Yin Fire of Spouse Star and the Yang Fire of Day Master has an attractive relationship. Bill Gates should have a good marriage life.

The attractive relationships of Five Elements and Zodiacs are the sign of romantic or love relationships. People should be in love or think about the marriage when the attractive relationships are found in the Day Column and/or Month Column of the birth chart.

Melinda Gates Birth Chart of August 15, 1964


Yang Fire
Day Master

Yang Water

Yang Fire
Monkey MonkeyDragon
Major Elements inside Zodiac

Yang Water

Yang Metal

Yang Water

Yang Metal

Yin Water

Yang Earth
Marriage LifeAdulthoodChildhood

The Day Master of the Chinese astrology birth chart of Melinda Gates is Yang Fire . Fire can melt the Metal; Metal represents her wealth. Yang Metal is related to the Windfall. Water can extinguish the Fire. Fire represents pressure, career, or man to Melinda Gates. The lower row of the Day Column is called the Palace of the Spouse and the Monkey is in there. Monkey contains Yang Metal and Yang Water. Water and Metal are surrounding the Day Master; she should work in the male-dominated origination and deal with finance.

What Brought Melinda and Bill Gates Together?

The astrological cycles of their love relationship are in sync. The law of attraction in Chinese astrology explains that they fell in love in 1987 and tied the knot in 1994. The Fire Rabbit of 1987 brought them together. The Chicken of 1994 bound them together. Chicken, Melinda's Monkey, and Bill's Dog form a strong relationship of Metal, which is the special relationship of the Gang of Three.

A true love relationship usually will last more than one year. The 10-Year Major Cycle of Chinese Astrology is a very important factor to see an opportunity for marriage. The 10-Year Major Cycle of Bill Gates from 1992 to 2001 was Water Horse. Horse and Dog have an attractive relationship because of Fire, which is connected to Bill's girl. He should have good social relationships with ladies during this period. Melinda's 10-Year Major Cycle from 1987 to 1996 was Earth Snake. Snake and Monkey have an attractive relationship because of Water, which is connected to Melinda's gentlemen. She should good social relationships during these 10 years. 1994 triggered the event of the marriage.

Both of their birth charts have a similar pattern. The Career Stars and Money Stars are around their Day Masters. They have the same perspective in pursuing their career, wealth, and philanthropy. A similar goal of life brought them together.

Marriage Life of Bill and Melinda Gates

The Spouse Star disappears in the coming astrological cycle. The Current 10-Year Major Cycle (2017-2026) of Melinda Gates is Fire Tiger. There is no Metal in there. Tiger and Monkey of the Palace of the Spouse have a hurting relationship, which could bruise the heart of family members. The Current 10-Year Major Cycle (2012-2021) of Bill Gates is Metal Dragon. There is no Fire in there. Dragon and Dog of the Palace of the Spouse have a fighting relationship. That's not a good marriage sign for the last 10 years.

The score of Fast Love Match shows a negative seven, which is not a good match at all. The main reason is the fighting relationship between two Day Masters, Yang Fire and Yang Water . That implies they have different personal living choices, family values, and approaches to managing the matters. Bill Gates stepped down as chairman of Microsoft Corp. in 2014 and focused on their charitable foundation. According to the Chinese astrology compatibility score, Bill and Melinda have difficulty working in the same room. Also, Monkey and Dog in the Palace of the Spouse don't have any chemistry in the love relationship. Both of them focus on their careers and lack the romantic moment.

Bill and Melinda Gates have three children. The youngest daughter Phoebe Gates, born on September 14, 2002, became an adult in September 2020. They filed the divorce in 2021.

Yang Fire represents the Girlfriend Star of Bill Gates. It is next to the Day Master. That implies Bill Gates could often contact women at work or social circle. They said Melinda Gates agreed to let Bill Gates go for an annual beach vacation with his ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad, for over a decade. Ann Winblad, who was born November 1, 1950, dated Bill Gates in 1984. The Chinese astrology birth chart of Ann Winblad shows she had difficulty finding her marriage. She has married Alex Kline.

The next coming Major Cycle is Earth Rabbit, which is from 2022 to 2031. Rabbit and Dog have an attractive relationship. Bill Gates will meet his companion during these 10 years.

Law of Attractions and Love Match of Chinese Astrology

The attractive relationships of Five Elements and the attractive relationships of Chinese Zodiacs are good tools to predict people's marriage. Certainly, Chinese Astrology cannot precisely predict the actual marriage year because some people's marriages are under pressure or with personal interest. But it can correctly predict when a person is in love or having an intimate relationship with the opposite sex. We have more discussions in the following.

If you are interested in your love relationship with someone and would like the know the compatibility test score, then you can try the following Chinese five element astrology and love match applications.

Love Match Index

Modified: August 1, 2021

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