Rat Chinese Zodiac 2020 Predictions: Characteristics and Traits

Baby Born in the 2020 Year of Rat

2020 Year of Rat 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. The first day of the 2020 zodiac year is on February 4, 2020. This day is different from Chinese New Year Day, January 25, 2020. The baby born on or after February 4, 2020, will be a Rat baby.

The Rat is the first animal sign in the Chinese Zodiac. The Rat is ranked the first animal in Chinese Zodiac since Rat outsmarts other animals. According to Chinese Five Elements theory, Rat is in the Water group. Water is connected to wisdom. The Rat is the Yin Water, which is the last element of ten Yin Yang five elements. The rat's front leg has 4 toes and hind leg has 5 toes indicating a change from even number to odd number, and it coincides with the first time period of a day, which is 11:00 p.m. to 01:00 a.m., symbolizing a transition from night to morning, or Yin (even number) to Yang (odd number). Therefore, Rat is considered a half-Yang and half-Yin animal.

Celebrities born in the year of the Rat are Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Basinger, Clint Eastwood, Ben Affleck, Hugh Grant, Samuel L.Jackson, David Duchovny, Sean Penn, Al Gore, Prince Charles, and Richard Nixon.

What are the characteristics of the Rat in the Chinese zodiac?

Rat's characteristics are agile, active, resourceful, thoughtful, sharp-sighted and staying alert. Rat is affectionate, charismatic, eloquent, shrewd, systematic, disciplined, meticulous, sociable, and hardworking with a high aim.

The Rat is in the Water group according to the Chinese Five Element theory. The Rat is connected to placid water, cold water or rain. Water is related to wisdom and intelligence. So Rat is a clever, tricky, and tactical animal. The Rat has many ideas with a keen vision and can solve problems quickly.

The Rat is Yin Water, the last element of Yin-Yang Five Elements. It is connected to knowledge, memory, and learning. The Rat has a strong memory in learning and remembers the previous life experiences. The Rat is brilliant, brainy with a sense of creativity.

The Rat has a dark-side personality. The other traits of Rat are gloomy, quiet, intolerant, selfish, introverted, conspiring, scheming and gossipy. The Rat might have some negative minds when encountering the troubles. When things go wrong, then Rat will blame on others. Therefore, Rat people should have more outdoor activities under the sunshine.

The Rat is active at night. Rats look for food and drink when it's dark. Zodiac Rat is one of the romantic stars in Chinese horoscopes. The alcoholic Rat is easy to get trouble in love affair. The Rat is good at earning money. Rat works for money and knows how to accumulate wealth. It desires a better material life and likes to hang out at magnificent places. When encountering the frustration, Rat has the tendency to leave the place, even relocate to a different town.

What are the most compatible Chinese Zodiac Signs with Rat?

The most compatible Chinese Zodiac Signs to Rat is the Cow, Monkey, and Dragon. The Rat has a love relationship with Cow in Chinese Horoscopes. The Cow gives Rat confidence and a sense of security. Rat, Monkey, and Dragon have a strong Water relationship. Monkey can be passionately in love with Rat. The Dragon can become be a good companion for Rat. The Dragon can enrich and empower the Rat.

What are the most incompatible Chinese Zodiac Signs with Rat?

Horse and Rat have a fighting relationship in Chinese Horoscopes. The Horse will have constant conflicts with the Rat. The next incompatible Zodiac symbols are Sheep, Rabbit, and Chicken. Rat and Sheep won't be pleasure in relationships related to in-laws. Rat gives too much love and unnecessary attention to Rabbit. Rabbit is tender grass and hard to survive under the cold water of Rat. Rat needs to please the pretty Chicken very hard.

What are the career choices for Chinese Zodiac Rat?

That's depending on the Rat's personality. If zodiac Rat with strong personality likes to pursue an ideal career, then the career choices are civil engineering, real estate, construction, mining, land survey, land affairs, land development farming, raising livestock, real estate construction or sales, building material, interior design, exterior design, landscaping, nursery, gardening, porcelain, glass making, demolition, warehousing, track racing sports, rock climbing, funeral services, recycle, etc.

If zodiac Rat with strong personality likes to pursue wealth, then the career choices are thermal power, solar energy, electric engineering, nuclear power, military industry, firework, gas company, battery, stove, restaurant, hot pot dinner, bakery, cooking, spice food, beauty salon, hot yoga, electronic, computer, laser, fuel, cigarette, welding, etc.

If zodiac Rat has a weak personality, then mechanic engineering, electric engineering, computer hardware, machinery, manufacture, transportation equipment (automobile, ship, bike, etc.), health care equipment, surgeon, technicians, appliances, military, security, internet network, financial industry (banks, stock trading, trust, investment, exchange), music instruments, TV, video games, etc.

Another approach to look for the ideal career is using the Lucky Element in the Chinese astrology Birth Chart. A better career is the job characteristics connect to the characteristics of the Lucky Element. Lucky Element can complement your strengths and weakness during career development. Lucky Element brings good career opportunities to you and helps you to accept and conquer the challenges. A promising and remarkable career will come after.

Chinese Zodiac for the people or baby born in 2020

2020 is the year of the Male White Metal Rat . Male is connected to weapon, sword, minerals, strong wind, storm, hurricane, speed and execution.

Metal Rat is the White Rat or Golden Rat, which is the 37th animal of 60 zodiac animals. Rat is in the Water group. Rat contains Yin Water. Metal Golden Rat is armored Rat. Yin Water is rain. The Metal of Rat is the strong wind. Metal Rat is the sign of a heavy rainstorm. The characteristics of Metal Rat are bold, aggressive, talented, witty, eloquent, tactical and creative. Metal Rat is good at expression, speech, distinguish opinions, influencing people's minds.

The Zodiac Metal Rat will prone to stress and fear, and can become short-tempered. Metal Rat may have a difficult and challenging childhood or young adulthood, so it should avoid living alone and away from family.

The Zodiac Metal Rat will be more successful in small business. It's over-ambitious will cause too much stress and lead to failure. Metal Rat should set realistic goals and work hard.

The Zodiac Metal Rat may be difficult to become independent. Metal Rat will live happier if marry an older and more mature person. For a man, he should marry a woman older than him. For a woman, she should marry a man at least 7 years older. If too close in age, they tend to argue often or become depressed.

The Zodiac Metal Rat will always be constrained by a significant person in life, such as your parents when you are young, spouse after marriage, your children after they are grown, or boss at work.

The very good compatible Chinese zodiac years for companion or marriage are

  • 2012 - The Black Water Dragon Year
  • 2022 - The Black Water Tiger Year
  • 2028 - The Brown Earth Monkey Year
  • 2029 - The Brown Earth Chicken Year

2020 Chinese Lunar Months for Baby Gender Calendar

The following is the 2020 Chinese Baby Calendar for Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart, which is for women to choose the baby gender before pregnancy. The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart is a cross-reference chat of Woman's Chinese Ages and Chinese Lunar Months. This listing of lunar months helps women to find when the Chinese Lunar Months start and end. If planning for a 2021 baby of the Cow next year, then women can choose the conception's lunar month for the desired baby gender.

Remember that is the following lunar months are calculated using the China time zone. Chinese Lunar Months are different from different time zones. The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction does the calculations of birthday, Chinese age, lunar month and time zone before determining the correct baby gender.

Lunar Month 1 begins from January 25, 2020 to February 22, 2020.
Lunar Month 2 begins from February 23, 2020 to March 23, 2020.
Lunar Month 3 begins from March 24, 2020 to April 22, 2020.
Lunar Month 4 begins from April 23, 2020 to May 22, 2020.
* Lunar Leap Month 4 begins from May 23, 2020 to June 20, 2020.
Lunar Month 5 begins from June 21, 2020 to July 20, 2020.
Lunar Month 6 begins from July 21, 2020 to August 18, 2020.
Lunar Month 7 begins from August 19, 2020 to September 16, 2020.
Lunar Month 8 begins from September 17, 2020 to October 16, 2020.
Lunar Month 9 begins from October 17, 2020 to November 14, 2020.
Lunar Month 10 begins from November 15, 2020 to December 14, 2020.
Lunar Month 11 begins from December 15, 2020 to January 12, 2021.
Lunar Month 12 begins from January 13, 2021 to February 11, 2021.

2020 includes Lunar Leap Month 4. We can treat the first half of the leap month as lunar month 4 and the second half of the leap month as lunar month 5. That means May 23, 2020 to June 6, 2020 are in lunar month 4. June 7, 2020 to June 20, 2020 are in lunar month 5.

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