2026 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Tuesday, March 3, 2026
2026 Chinese Yuan-Xiao Che - Lantern Festival of Horse Year
2026 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Tuesday, March 3, 2026. Chinese Lantern Festival is the 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year Festival. 2026 is the year of the Red Fire Horse. 2026 Chinese New Year Day is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026 in China time zone. Therefore, the 15th lunar day is the Lantern Festival. The 15th lunar day is close to the full moon day. Chinese Lantern Festival always have a bright night.
Chinese Lantern Festival is Yuan-Xiao Che
Yuan-Xiao 元宵 is just like Tang-Yuan 湯園. They are made of sweet rice flour into sticky glutinous balls. They can be filled in with sesame, red-bean or peanut butter paste. Usually, they are severed with sugar water. But some people still make salty Tang-Yuan.
The difference between Yuan-Xiao and Tang-Yuan is the way they are made and cooked. This is because that Chinese in different geographic area prepare the food in different way. Chinese call the one they eat on Winter Solstice Day is Tang-Yuan. The one they eat on the Lantern festival is called Yuan-Xiao. Winter Solstice is Chinese Tang-Yuan Che and the Lantern festival is Chinese Yuan-Xiao Che.
Chinese Lantern Festival - Coming Years
2026 Chinese New Year Dates and Forecast
2027 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Saturday, February 20, 2027. 2027 is the Red Sheep year.
2028 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Wednesday, February 9, 2028. 2028 is the Brown Monkey year.
2029 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Tuesday, February 27, 2029. 2029 is the Brown Chicken year.
2030 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Sunday, February 17, 2030. 2030 is the White Dog year.
2031 Chinese Lantern Festival is on Thursday, February 6, 2031. 2031 is the White Pig year.
Chinese Lantern Festival - History
According to Taoism, Shan-Yuan 上元 (first period of the year) Festival is the birthday of the Heaven Officer who blesses human luck. On the 15th lunar day of 7th lunar month is Chung-Yuan 中元 (middle period of the year) Festival, which is the birthday of the Hell Officer who has right to pardon ghosts. On this day, all the ghosts can leave hell to human world for food. So the 7th lunar month is called Ghost Month. Many Chinese won't get married in this month. The 15th lunar day of 10th lunar month is Xia-Yaun 下元 (last period of the year) Festival. This day is the birthday of the Water Officer who can rescue people in trouble.
On the 15th lunar day of the year, some Chinese families worship the Heaven Officer of Taoism and pray for luck at home or temple during the daytime. Traditionally, the Chinese should decorate the light lanterns around the house and children carry the candle paper lantern on the street at night. It might be a safety concern, not too many follow this custom today. Instead, many people will attend different activities of the Lantern Festival.
The lantern displays can be found in the town center square and temples. Usually. there is a lantern competition at the temple. Traditional lanterns are made of paper. They can make the lantern turning around by the heat circulation from the candle inside. Today the light of the lantern is from the electricity. People like to design lanterns using zodiac animals, historical figures, saints, and gods of Taoism or Buddhism. Certainly, the current year's animal symbol of the Chinese calendar is the most popular subject. Using the computer tool today, they can design the lantern with different movements, the different colors of light, and even using the laser light with special visual and sound effects.
Chinese Lantern Display at Night
You can see the Chinese Lantern Display in USA. Some cities have Chinese Lantern Festival events during Chinese New Year. That's a good family activity for children. But you need to pay for the tickets to watch.
- Dallas, Texas
- Seattle, Washington
- Alameda County, California
- Miami Dade County, Florida
- Indianapolis, Indiana
Chinese Lantern Festival at Dallas, Texas
Miami Dade County, Seattle Washington
Lantern Festival at Indianapolis, Indiana
Chinese Lantern Festival - Sky Lantern
During the night of the lantern festival, some people in Taiwan will fly the sky lantern by writing their wishes on the paper lantern and pray their wishes to come true. A long time ago, people thought the lantern will fly up to heaven. The god of heaven will receive their messages and will give them a blessing.
There is a story for this custom. Once, a village was attacked by the pirates. When the pirate ship came, people ran to and hide in the mountain. When pirates left, someone in the town flew the sky lantern to tell people in the mountain safe to come home. It happened on the 15th lunar day of that year. Now people do the same way to depict their peace, safety and without an accident. Sky Lantern in Taiwan (Video)
Chinese Lantern Festival Legendary Story and Carnival...
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By Master Allen Tsai on Saturday, March 22, 2025