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Chinese Zodiac - Green Dragon Born in Tiger Month

Born Poor, But Very Good Luck

This Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart has a Strong Day Master Yang-Wood. This male was born in the spring of 2008, year of Rat. The Friend Star is in charge of the season. The season impacts the strength of Five Elements. For example, Wood is the most powerful element in the spring. Before determining the Day Master is strong or weak, we always need to figure out that the birth season is favorable to Day Master or not. After knowing the strong or weak Day Master, then we know the Lucky Elements.

Zodiac Birth Chart Characteristics

Day Master was born in its favorite month because the Friend Star was in charge of the birth season. To determine a strong Day Master, we need two supporting elements in the Stem Row or two supporting elements in the Branch Row other than birth month. Obviously, this Day Master is strong.

Lucky Elements are Money and Fame Stars. Money Star is found on the top of Year Column. Fame Star is found on the top of Hour Column. An abundant and prosperous life is expecting.

Chinese Zodiac Destiny Card

Birthday: March 5, 2008 at 4:20
Gender: Male
Day Master:  Yang-Wood
Zodiac Year: Yang Brown Earth-Rat
Zodiac Month: Yang Green Wood-Tiger
Zodiac Day: Yang Green Wood-Dragon
Zodiac Hour: Yang Red Fire-Tiger
Season: spring
Style: Friend Star
Case: Yang-Wood in Tiger Month
Stem 10 Gods: Money-Friend-Chef
Branch 10 Gods: Mother-Friend-Money-Friend
Strong-Weak: Strong
Lucky Elements: Fire, Earth

Chinese Zodiac ID Card

Chinese Zodiac 10-God Birth Chart

March 5, 2008 4:20
Fire TigerWood DragonWood TigerEarth Rat

This person was born on March 5, 2008 at 4:20. According to Chinese Zodiac Calendar, it's Yang-Wood Dragon day in Wood Tiger month of Earth Rat year at Fire Tiger hour. The season is spring. The upper row of the Day column is called Day Master, which is Yang-Wood. The Day Master represents the person.

When the Day Master is Yang-Wood, then Wood is the Companion star. Fire is the Fame star. Earth is the Money star. Metal is the Career star. Water is the Parent star. Companion and Parent star are supporting elements to Day Master. Money, Career and Fame stars are enemy to Day Master. The strength of Day Master, Companion star and Parent star determines the strength of the birth chart style.

Chinese Zodiac Case Study

Day Master Yang-Wood was born in Wooden Tiger Month, which is a favorite month to Day Master. The lower row contains Rat and two Tigers. Rat is Water, Mother Star. Tiger is Wood, Friend Star. Yang-Wood has good support in the Branch Row. Yang-Wood has good root on the ground. Another Yang-Wood appears on the Month Column. The Birth Chart has two tall trees with strong root. Therefore, Day Master Yang-Wood is strong. Fire and Earth are Lucky Elements. Fire is Fame Star and Earth is Money Star. The unlucky elements are Wood and Water.

The first Major Cycle was Wooden Rabbit. Rabbit is Wood, which is Friend Star or siblings. Too many Wood share the limited Money. Father had to work hard to support them. That implies he was born poor.

The second Major Cycle was Fire Dragon. Dragon is in the Earth group, but contains some Wood. Fire is the Fame Star. He can show his talent to the public.

The third Major Cycle is Fire Snake. Snake is in the Fire group. He should become famous person with good reputation. He earns money by the reputation.

The fourth Major Cycle is Earth Horse. Horse is in the Fire group. Fire of Horse will generate more money.

The fifth Major Cycle was Earth Sheep. Sheep is in the Earth group. This is the cycle of wealth. He will be much richer than ever.

The sixth Major Cycle is Metal Monkey. Monkey is in the Metal group. Metal is the Career Star. Since there is no Mother Star in the Stem Row, the Career Star becomes a lucky element. He will reach high-ranking position in the company. Money, Rat of Year and Dragon of Day form powerful Water relationship. He probably will pay more attention on his health.

This person has a long period of prosperity for 40 years. He is very lucky. This is unusual case. Most of people have only 20-year good cycles.

If this birth chart is for a girl, then she's born in rich family. Her first Major Cycle was Yin-Water Cow. Cow is in the Earth group. Yin-Water-Water and Yang-Earth of Year have Fire attractive relationship. Both Fire and Earth are the lucky elements.

Chinese Zodiac Chart of 10-Year Major Cycles

This person is Male and was born in Yang Brown Earth-Rat year. The 10-Year Major Cycles counts from the Stem-Branch of the Month Column in ascending Order. The Month Column is Yang-Wood Tiger.

The first 10-Year Major Cycle starts year of 2008 at age 0.

10-Year Major Cycles


Lucky Elements: Fire, Earth

10-Year Major Cycles & Ten Gods

2008-2017 Yin-Wood Rabbit
Both Yin-Wood and Rabbit are events of friendship.
Rabbit, Tiger and Dragon have strong Wood relationship.

2018-2027 Yang-Fire Dragon
Yang-Fire is an event of reputation. Dragon is an event of money.
Dragon and Rat have some Water (Parent) attraction relationship.

2028-2037 Yin-Fire Snake
Both Yin-Fire and Snake are events of reputation.

2038-2047 Yang-Earth Horse
Yang-Earth is an event of money. Horse is an event of reputation.
Horse and Rat have fighting relationship.

2048-2057 Yin-Earth Sheep
Both Yin-Earth and Sheep are events of money.
Yin-Earth (Money) and Yang-Wood have Earth (Money) attraction relationship.

2058-2067 Yang-Metal Monkey
Both Yang-Metal and Monkey are events of career.
Monkey, Rat and Dragon have powerful Water relationship.
Yang-Metal and Yang-Wood have fighting relationship.
Monkey and Tiger have fighting relationship.
Monkey and Rat have some Water (Parent) attraction relationship.

2068-2077 Yin-Metal Chicken
Both Yin-Metal and Chicken are events of career.
Yin-Metal (Career) and Yang-Fire have Water (Parent) attraction relationship.
Chicken and Dragon have Metal (Career) attraction relationship.

2078-2087 Yang-Water Dog
Yang-Water is an event of resources. Dog is an event of money.
Yang-Water and Yang-Fire have fighting relationship.
Dog and Dragon have fighting relationship.

Chinese Astrology PC Software


Case ID: Wood-Dragon-Tiger-20080305-102
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