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Chinese Zodiac - Green Monkey Born in Rabbit Month

Extremely Strong, Extremely Good and Bad Luck

This Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart has an Extremely Strong Day Master Yang-Wood. This male was born in the spring of 1923, year of Pig. The Robber Star is in charge of the season. The season impacts the strength of Five Elements. For example, Wood is the most powerful element in the spring. Before determining the Day Master is strong or weak, we always need to figure out that the birth season is favorable to Day Master or not. After knowing the strong or weak Day Master, then we know the Lucky Elements.

Zodiac Birth Chart Characteristics

This birth chart is an Extremely Strong case. The Extremely Strong birth chart is a birth chart contains only Mother and Friend Element. There is no Career, Money or Fame Element in there. People with extremely strong birth chart will have extraordinary life. When they are good, they are on the top of the world. When they are bad, all disasters come to them.

The Extremely Strong birth chart is like the diamond. The flawless diamond is the most valuable. People still accept a tiny flaw diamond. Diamond becomes ordinary jewelry when it has multiple flaws. The Extremely Strong birth chart cannot afford two unlucky elements coming into the life. The diseases or accidents could suddenly appear.

Chinese Zodiac Destiny Card

Birthday: March 12, 1923 at 0:20
Gender: Male
Day Master:  Yang-Wood
Zodiac Year: Yin Black Water-Pig
Zodiac Month: Yin Green Wood-Rabbit
Zodiac Day: Yang Green Wood-Monkey
Zodiac Hour: Yang Green Wood-Rat
Season: spring
Style: Robber Star
Case: Yang-Wood in Rabbit Month
Stem 10 Gods: Mother-Robber-Friend
Branch 10 Gods: Babysitter-Robber-Killer-Mother
Strong-Weak: Extremely Strong
Lucky Elements: Wood, Water

Chinese Zodiac ID Card

Chinese Zodiac 10-God Birth Chart

March 12, 1923 0:20
Wood RatWood MonkeyWood RabbitWater Pig

This person was born on March 12, 1923 at 0:20. According to Chinese Zodiac Calendar, it's Yang-Wood Monkey day in Wood Rabbit month of Water Pig year at Wood Rat hour. The season is spring. The upper row of the Day column is called Day Master, which is Yang-Wood. The Day Master represents the person.

When the Day Master is Yang-Wood, then Wood is the Companion star. Fire is the Fame star. Earth is the Money star. Metal is the Career star. Water is the Parent star. Companion and Parent star are supporting elements to Day Master. Money, Career and Fame stars are enemy to Day Master. The strength of Day Master, Companion star and Parent star determines the strength of the birth chart style.

Chinese Zodiac Case Study

Day Master is Yang-Wood and born in the strong Wood of the Rabbit Month. The Stems of the upper row have Wood and Water. In the Branches of the lower row, Rabbit and Pig form a stronger Wood combination. Rat and Monkey form another stronger Water combination supporting by Yin-Water in the Year column. Water is the mother element of Day Master. Wood and Water are everywhere in the birth chart. Therefore, this birth chart is an extremely strong case.

Since the Day Master is extremely strong, the Lucky Elements are the Water of Mother Element and Wood of Friend Element. Earth of Money Element and Fire of Fame Element are unlucky elements.

This person had very good career and money luck during the first four Major Cycles. The first major cycle is Wooden-Tiger. Tiger is in the Wood group. He was born in a rich family. Then Water cycles came toward him for 30 years long. The 5th Major Cycle is the Metal-Dog. Dog is in the Earth group. Earth is under Metal. Metal is treated as an unlucky element in this cycle. He should have a very miserable life during 6th Major Cycle.

If this person is a girl, then the Major Cycles goes different direction. She should be born rich. But she was kind of unhealthy. She probably died during the 3rd Major Cycle, which was Earth-Horse. Horse is in the Fire group. Earth and Fire are unlucky elements.

Chinese Zodiac Chart of 10-Year Major Cycles

This person is Male and was born in Yin Black Water-Pig year. The 10-Year Major Cycles counts from the Stem-Branch of the Month Column in descending Order. The Month Column is Yin-Wood Rabbit.

The first 10-Year Major Cycle starts year of 1924 at age 1.

10-Year Major Cycles


Lucky Elements: Wood, Water

10-Year Major Cycles & Ten Gods

1924-1933 Yang-Wood Tiger
Both Yang-Wood and Tiger are events of friendship.
Tiger and Pig have Wood (Companion) attraction relationship.
Tiger and Monkey have fighting relationship.

1934-1943 Yin-Water Cow
Yin-Water is an event of resources. Cow is an event of money.
Cow, Pig and Rat have strong Water relationship.
Cow and Rat have Earth (Money) attraction relationship.

1944-1953 Yang-Water Rat
Both Yang-Water and Rat are events of resources.

1954-1963 Yin-Metal Pig
Yin-Metal is an event of career. Pig is an event of resources.
Yin-Metal and Yin-Wood have fighting relationship.
Pig and Rabbit have some Wood (Companion) attraction relationship.

1964-1973 Yang-Metal Dog
Yang-Metal is an event of career. Dog is an event of money.
Yang-Metal (Career) and Yin-Wood have Metal (Career) attraction relationship.
Dog and Rabbit have Fire (Fame) attraction relationship.
Yang-Metal and Yang-Wood have fighting relationship.

1974-1983 Yin-Earth Chicken
Yin-Earth is an event of money. Chicken is an event of career.
Yin-Earth (Money) and Yang-Wood have Earth (Money) attraction relationship.
Chicken and Rabbit have fighting relationship.

1984-1993 Yang-Earth Monkey
Yang-Earth is an event of money. Monkey is an event of career.
Yang-Earth (Money) and Yin-Water have Fire (Fame) attraction relationship.
Monkey and Rat have some Water (Parent) attraction relationship.

1994-2003 Yin-Fire Sheep
Yin-Fire is an event of reputation. Sheep is an event of money.
Sheep, Pig and Rabbit have powerful Wood relationship.
Yin-Fire and Yin-Water have fighting relationship.
Sheep and Rabbit have some Wood (Companion) attraction relationship.

Chinese Astrology PC Software


Case ID: Wood-Monkey-Rabbit-19230312-106
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