Matchmakers - Dating, Marriage and Compatibility
Online matchmaking, matchmaking tickle, dating compatibility, love compatibility and sign compatibility.
Our Free Matchmaker provides two methods for you to find your compatibility level with the person you are interested in. The first method is the Fast Match, which is used by many professional Chinese fortune-tellers today. The second method is the Magic Match, which is a study result from three different Chinese fortune-telling systems by an astrology master. These two methods use each person's birth-date to find the compatibility level. In most cases, the result of the compatibility check will be close to the answers from professionals who use the individuals' birth-dates and birth-times. These pages work for any two people no matter what gender or age. When you use them for party entertainment, please do not try on serious, sensitive, easily-hurt people.
Fast Match - Traditional Chinese Fortune-Telling method
Magic Match - The second opinion for Love Match
Western Match - Western Horoscope for your comparison
Bonus Match - How to find your Room-Mate
Love Compatibility Test 101 - Love Match
The following popular Fortune Angel Love Match reports can help you to find an ideal partner. They also tell you when your partner is in love.
Find Your Most Compatible Birthdays - Best Love Matches
Love Matches with Multiple Persons
Love Match and Marriage Analysis