Chinese Fortune Angel - Lucky Element
Find Lucky Element from the Fortune Angel Software
What is the lucky element? Five Elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. According to the theory of Chinese astrology, only one of the Five Elements can bring people the most luck. That element is called the Lucky Element.
- The first step in Chinese astrology is to convert people's birthday and birth time into a Birth Chart.
- The next step is to measure the Five Element Weights in the Birth Chart.
- The third step is to find the Lucky Element using the Balance theory of Yin Yang and the Five Elements.
- The fourth step is to find people's lucky years using the Lucky Element.
- The final step is to give people advice how to improve their fortune by knowing the lucky times and places.
To find a Lucky Element, select the birthday, time and gender, then click on the Find Lucky Element button.
If the person's name is already in the database, click the People
icon to popup the name listing. By double-clicking on the person name from the Name List popup window, the birthday,
birth time and gender will automatically be filled into the Astrology Lucky Element Window.
If you are only interested in the Birth Chart and not the Lucky Element, then click the Get Birth Chart button, instead of the Find Lucky Element button.
To close the Astrology Lucky Element Chart window, click on the Close

By clicking the Find Lucky Element button, a Message from Chinese Fortune Angel window appears and gives you the suggested Lucky Elements and Animals with an analysis paragraph based on the birth data. The software always tries to find all the possible Lucky Elements and Animals for you so you won't miss any good chances. In some cases, lucky elements or animals might only bring you 50% luck.

icon will display a formatted HTML page, which has printing capabilities.

After finding your Lucky Element, you can find your Lucky Years from the Opportunity Chart and find your lucky places from the Tell Your Lucky Times and Places page.
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