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2018 Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Calendar Lunar Months for USA & China

Chinese New Year of 2018 is on Friday, February 16, 2018. Chinese New Year is from the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The first lunar day is the new moon day. The New moon time determines the new moon date. The new moon time is at 5:06 on February 16, 2018 in China time zone. Therefore, Chinese New Year Day is February 16, 2018. Chinese New Year of 2019 is on Tuesday, February 5, 2019. The total of the Chinese Lunar days in 2018 is 354 days.

Since the first lunar day is the new moon day, the first lunar date might fall on a different Gregorian date in the USA time zones. If you need to know the difference, if you want to use the Chinese Lunar Calendar for local events, like an auspicious wedding day, grand-opening day, or baby gender selection, in the USA.

Compare Chinese Lunar Months between USA and China Time Zones

2018 is the Chinese Brown Earth Dog Year. In the China time zone, Chinese New Year Day is on Friday, February 16, 2018. The first day of the Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 4, 2018. In the PST time zone, Chinese New Year Day is on Thursday, February 15, 2018. The first day of the Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 3, 2018.

2018 Chinese Lunar Months for Baby Gender Prediction Calendar show different in China and USA time zones. People use the Chinese Baby Gender Pregnancy Chart of Ching Dynasty to choose baby gender need to pay attention to the discrepancy of lunar months between different time zones. To avoid the Chinese lunar calendar error, we strongly recommend people use the Chinese Baby Gender Predictor provided by the Chinese Fortune Calendar.

Time Zone = China v.s. PST
The new moon date is the first day of a Chinese lunar month
Lunar Leap Month of China time zone is calculated by China Civil Calendar
Lunar Leap Month of PST time zone is calculated by Astronomical Calendar

The explanation of the difference between the Chinese Astronomical Calendar and the Civil Calendar is in the Chinese Lunar Leap Month page. Basically, the Civil Calendar is posted by the government. The calendar data is from the prediction based on the data collected from previous years. The Astronomical Calendar is used by astronomers who work for the government. The astronomical data is from the observation.

2018 China Time Zone
Lunar Month Starting Date New Moon Time
2018 Chinese New Year Day is on 2/16/2018 in China
2018 PST Time Zone
Lunar Month Starting Date New Moon Time
2018 Chinese New Year Day is on 2/15/2018 in PST

The explanation of the difference between the Chinese Astronomical Calendar and the Civil Calendar is in the Chinese Lunar Leap Month page. Basically, the Civil Calendar is posted by the government. The calendar data is from the prediction based on the data collected from previous years. The Astronomical Calendar is used by astronomers who work for government. The astronomical data is from the observation.

The new moon date is the first day of the lunar month. US Eastern Standard Time zone has 13 hours difference from China. US Pacific Standard Time zone has 16 hours difference from China. More than 50% chance, the first lunar day of the US lunar months will be different from China. If the lunar leap month appears in the year, it's possible that the lunar months after leap month will be shift off one month.

The impact is on the Chinese Baby Gender Calendar for Baby Gender Prediction Chart. It's required to use Chinese Lunar Calendar to calculate Chinese age and pregnancy lunar month. There is no impact on our Chinese Five Element Astrology application because it doesn't use Chinese Lunar Calendar at all.

Recommendation - Chinese Zodiac-Lunar Months for Chinese Baby Gender Chart

Because of leap months in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, a Chinese lunar year has 13 lunar months every three years. But the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart has only 12 months in the column of conception months. After studying the relationship between sex ratio at birth with the Chinese Baby Gender Chart in 2020, we strongly recommend that we should use Zodiac-Lunar Months for the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. The new revised Zodiac-Lunar Months Calendar combines Chinese Zodiac Month and Chinese Lunar Month together. In this way, we don't have the trouble of lunar leap months. If you plan to have a baby with the desired gender, you must read 2018 Chinese Zodiac-Lunar Months in the following.


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