The Groundhog Day, 02-02-2020, is a Palindrome Day

The Groundhog Day of 2020 is a Palindrome Day

The year 2020 is a leap year and has 366 days. The Groundhog Day is February 2, 2020, Sunday. 02/02/2020 is a Palindrome Date. A Palindrome Day is when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and forward.

2020 Chinese New Year Day is on January 25, 2020, which is the first lunar day of the first lunar month. 02/02/2020 is the ninth lunar day of the first lunar month, which is the birthday of Chinese Jade Emperor, King of Heaven. Chinese Farmer's almanac marks 02/02/2020 a very auspicious day.

The groundhog is a well-known rodent, notorious for predicting spring's arrival. Groundhogs have other names, such as whistle pig, chipmunk, and land beaver. Rat is also in the rodent family. The zodiac sign of Chinese New Year is the Metal Rat or Golden Rat. The first day of the Rat Year starts on February 4, 2020, according to the Chinese Astrology Calendar. Chinese New Year Day is from the Chinese Lunar Calendar and it's nothing to do with the Chinese zodiac sign. Therefore, February 2, 2020 is still in the year of the Pig. This date is very close to the year of Rat. The groundhog has a connection with Pig and Rat.

Some special dates are on Saturday in 2020. They will be a nice choice for weekend events, such as wedding, engagement or birthday party.

  • Saturday, 04/04/2020, April 4, 2020
  • Saturday, 06/06/2020, June 6, 2020
  • Saturday, 08/08/2020, August 8, 2020
  • Saturday, 10/10/2020, October 10, 2020
  • Saturday, 12/12/2020, December 12, 2020

The Birthday of Chinese Jade Emperor

The Chinese Jade Emperor lives in the 33rd heaven and governs 33 heavens. He is the king of the heavens. His birthday is on the 9th lunar day of the first lunar month.

According to the books of the Taoism, there are 36 heavens and 36 grounds in the universe. There are hundreds of gods and goddesses as well as saints and immortals living in the heavens and grounds. The Original Supreme God lives in the 36th heaven. The Spiritual-Treasure Supreme God lives in the 35th heaven. The Ethics-Virtues Supreme God, who had once the incarnation to Lao-Tse, lives in 34th heaven. They are the top three Gods in the Taoism (Universe). The Jade Emperor is at the 33rd heaven and in charge of 33 heavens. Therefore Jade Emperor is one of the important gods who are worshiped or prayed in many Chinese families.

Jade Emperor is a vegetarian. On his birthday, the Chinese prepare three bundles of long noodles, three teacups with green tea, five different kinds of fruit, and six different kinds of dry vegetables to worship Jade Emperor.

02/02/2020 is a very auspicious day. This is not because of the birthday of Jade Emperor. The major reason is 02/02/2020 an "Opening Day" in the Chinese Farmer's calendar. This date is good for a new beginning of many events, such as moving to a new house, reporting for new job duty, talking business deal, or the grand opening of a store, etc. The "Opening Day" also implies joyfulness. This date is also good for a job interview, wedding, making wishes or asking for help.

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