The Best Gift for Your Baby
An infant cannot receive a gift from you, but you can give the gift to your baby when it grows up. For example, you can present a special gift for his or her wedding day. You can give them a brand new car or even a new house as their wedding gift. The car and house just have the monetary value. However, if they don't like gift, then they have to find a replacement. So that's not the best gift; the best gift must be unique and priceless.
You might say that you will give your love to your baby, as the love is unique and priceless, which is true. But love is just like the wind; you cannot see it and you can only feel it. When the wind stops, then you cannot feel it. Also, children always think they deserve love from their parents, and may not appreciate a parent's love until they have their own child.
The best gift to your children is to write a diary for them from day one. You
can pass the diary to them on their wedding day. Your job should end on
that day. If your children or their spouses want to continue to write in the diary,
then they will have a complete history record of their entire lives. I believe
that the next generations of family will appreciate and treasure the diary, as
it will let them know of the root of the family. Parents need lots of patience for more than two decades to
finish this job, as only the parents can write the diary for their own baby.
It may not be an easy job to write a diary for your children. Be sure to write something daily during the baby's first month, since a baby's facial features and size change every day. After that, you can simply write a few lines every day during the first one or two years. This way, you can keep track of first-time events and medical records in the diary. Later, you might have to go back to work after your children go to school, and you may not have too much time and energy to spend on the diary. You can write diary in weekly basis or you can find an hour in a month for the diary as long as you can remember the date and location of the events that happened on your children. During schooling, the daily events of your children may be about the same, so you can write something about the big events of a child's siblings or relatives, or even the big news in your town or country. It's easy for people to refresh their memories while reading the diary.
One lazy idea is to take pictures instead of writing diary. However, the problem with this is that not every picture can tell you the time, location and the feeling in your heart from that moment. Also, handwriting represents the patience and true love from parents to children, which adds value on the diary.
Ever since the invention of the computer, writing a diary by hand is becoming more and more uncommon. If you are reading this page, then you probably have a computer. If you have a computer, then you should be able to write and save your diary into the computer. If you have a digital camera, then you can insert the photos into the diary. It sounds perfect, however a few problems may arise. You still need to spend lots of time to organize your diary's document files. You might give up writing the diary because you don't want to wait for the computer to start in order to write it. In addition, you have to backup your diary files or burn the information into a CD or DVD so you won't cry if your computer hard disk dies.
About five years ago, I met a 90-year old Music Master. He recorded every music event related to his country since he was young. Nowadays the young generation of music lovers have to ask for his records in order to understand the music development history in the country because their own government didn't do the job. The music master said that it's very important for us to tell our next generation what you did today so the next generation after will know where the root was. The music master's work has inspired me to write the idea of creating a diary for your children. This is perhaps the best gift that can be offered of parents to children, because only parents can prepare such a priceless gift for their own children. The children will treasure the gift and keep it forever.
In the end, the mother always does a better job
with patience than the father. I failed to continue to write
the diary for my youngest child after 18-month writing about 18 year ago.
If you are expecting a new baby, are you planning to try?
It's not an easy job to write multiple diaries, if you have more than two
children. But now you can write a diary for all your children in one
It's a better idea for parents to create a Blogger for their children. Today's Internet Blogger is easy and free. You can write dairy, post photos and upload videos to the Blogger site to share them with friends and relatives. The nice thing is that you can find a unlimited space Blogger site and it can save your text, pictures and media data forever. Your children will appreciate a lot when they grow up, because you did something for them, which they cannot do it by their own at their age.
Some mothers setup Blogger sites for her handicapped children. Some mothers do one for their Asperger's Syndrome (Smart case of Autistic Spectrum Disorder) children. You can see that those mothers fully dedicate and enjoy with children daily activities. We need to respect them We should do the same way for our children. Someday, the childrem will appreciate what mother has done for them during their childhood.
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By Master Allen Tsai on November 8, 2021