Chinese New Year 2026: God of Stove Day is on Friday, February 20, 2026
New Year Day 3: Welcome Home Day for the God of Stove
2026 is the Chinese Red Fire Horse year. 2026 Chinese New Year Day is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026. Chinese New Year Day is a new moon day, which is the first lunar day. The fourth lunar day of Chinese New Year festival is the Welcome Home Day for the God of Stove Day. This date is Friday, February 20, 2026.
The Chinese name of God of Stove is Zao Shen. He is in charge of Kitchen. Chinese cooks treat him as the God of the Kitchen. The major duty of the God of Stove is to watch the daily behaviors of family members, and then to report people's good and bad deeds to the God of Heaven in the end of the year.
On the 24th of 12th lunar month, February 23, 2026, the God of Stove will travel to the Heaven to report his duty, which is the Farewell Day. The God of Stove will return the house on the 4th lunar day of Chinese New Year.
Since the Heaven is far away from the Earth, it will take almost a day for The God of Stove to travel down to Chinese family's kitchen. The God of Stove must leave the Heaven in the morning. And then he can arrive people's house in the afternoon. Therefore, the Welcome Ceremony will be held in the afternoon. This same to the Farewell day, Chinese prepare animal sacrifices, fruit, food, cake and wine to worship The God of Stove. After the Welcome Ceremony, Chinese family will explore firecracker to welcome The God of Stove back into the kitchen.
Instead of welcoming the God of Stove, some Chinese workship the God of Wealth on this day. According to Chinese genesis, the goddess Nu-Wa with snake body (2852-2738 B.C.) created chicken on the first day of the first lunar month, dog on the 2nd lunar day, pig on the 3rd lunar day and sheep on the 4th lunar day. Therefore, February 20, 2026 is the birthday of the Sheep.
According to Chinese genesis, the goddess Nu-Wa with snake body (2852-2738 B.C.) created chicken on the first day of the first lunar month, dog on the 2nd lunar day, pig on the 3rd lunar day and sheep on the 4th lunar day. Therefore, February 20, 2026 is the birthday of the Sheep.
Chinese New Year Day - Coming Years
Chinese New Year 2026 Forecast
2027 Chinese New Year is on Saturday, February 6, 2027. 2027 is the Red Sheep year.
2028 Chinese New Year is on Wednesday, January 26, 2028. 2028 is the Brown Monkey year.
2029 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 13, 2029. 2029 is the Brown Chicken year.
2030 Chinese New Year is on Sunday, February 3, 2030. 2030 is the White Dog year.
2031 Chinese New Year is on Thursday, January 23, 2031. 2031 is the White Pig year.
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By Master Allen Tsai on Friday, March 21, 2025