Farewell Day for God of Stove is on Wednesday, February 11, 2026
2026 Farewell Day for the God of Stove
The 24th lunar day of 12th lunar month is the Farewell Day for the God of Stove. 2026 Chinese New Year Day is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026. Chinese New Year Day is a new moon day, which is the first lunar day. 2026 is the Chinese Red Fire Horse year. The lunar month of Snake Year before Chinese New Year has 29 days. Therefore, the 24th lunar day of 12th lunar month is Wednesday, February 11, 2026.
Who is the God of Stove? He is the god in charge of fire and stove in the Kitchen. Chinese call him as Zao Shen. He records people's daily behaviors and reports to the God of Heaven on the 24th of 12th lunar month. The legendary story about the God of Stove tells more about him.
On the Farewell Day of 24th of 12th lunar month for the God of Stove, Chinese prepare lots of food, sacrificed meat, fruits and sweet rice cakes for The God of Stove. The purpose is to hope that The God of Stove saying something sweet to them at Heaven. Sweet rice is kind of sticky; so it can seam the mouth. The farewell meal must be served in the early morning, because returning to heaven is a long way trip. The God of Stove must leave in the morning. So he can arrive heaven on the same day.
The God of Stove will stay in the heaven about 10 days. He will return from the heaven on the 4th lunar day of the New Year, which is the Welcome Home Day for the God of Stove. The Welcome Home Day is February 20, 2026.
Chinese New Year Day - Coming Years
2026 Chinese New Year Dates and Predictions
2027 Chinese New Year is on Saturday, February 6, 2027. 2027 is the Red Sheep year.
2028 Chinese New Year is on Wednesday, January 26, 2028. 2028 is the Brown Monkey year.
2029 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 13, 2029. 2029 is the Brown Chicken year.
2030 Chinese New Year is on Sunday, February 3, 2030. 2030 is the White Dog year.
2031 Chinese New Year is on Thursday, January 23, 2031. 2031 is the White Pig year.
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By Master Allen Tsai on Saturday, March 15, 2025