Chinese Baby Gender Predictor
This Baby Gender Prediction is based on an ancient Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart, which helped the royal families of Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) to determine the baby gender before pregnancy. The chart is a cross-reference between mother ages and conception months. Many Internet visitors state that this chart has very high accurate rate.
To use the Chinese Gender Chart needs a Chinese Lunar Calendar, because the mother age is based on her Chinese age and the month of conception should be the Chinese Lunar month.
But, you need to use the Gregorian (western) calendar for this application. The program will convert Gregorian calendar to Chinese lunar calendar, then calculates woman's Chinese age and conception lunar month for you.
- Woman's birthday and conception date using western Gregorian calendar
- Time zone is optional
Is the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart Accurate?
USA Sex Ratio Survey Data & Chinese Gender Chart
India Sex Ratio & Chinese Gender Prediction
Chinese Gender Predictor and United Kingdom
Chinese Gender Predictor and Singapore
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