List Dates of Chinese Zodiac Months
The woman's conception month in the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart is the Chinese lunar month. This Chinese Lunar Calendar tool can list the Chinese lunar months using western Gregorian calendar dates. This will help women to choose the conception month.
The Chinese lunar months might have one day off when compared with different time zones. If you choose the date of the conception month in the middle of the lunar month, then you won't miss the lunar month.
To predict a baby's gender before pregnancy is from the Chinese Baby Gender Predictor page using your birthday and the pregnancy month.
- Select time zone
- Press Submit button to list the first days of the Chinese Lunar Months
- Find time zone, click here
- The current China time zone uses China Civil Calendar (east longitude 120 degrees)
Chinese Lunar Months with Leap Month
List Dates and Time of Chinese Zodiac Months
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Chinese Calendars and Horoscopes
Master Allen Tsai modified on November 6, 2022