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Donald Trump Chinese Zodiac: 2024 US Presidential Election

On July 13, 2024, former President Donald Trump was giving a campaign speech for the 2024 presidential election at a farm in Pennsylvania when he was shot by a 20-year-old American man. The bullet bruised Trump's right ear, and his face was covered in blood. He raised his fist and shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight!". This historic moment was captured by an Associated Press photographer, with the American flag in the background. The whole country generally believed that Trump would easily win the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

President Biden was far behind Trump in the polls and announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race and supported Vice President Kamala Harris to take on Trump and run for president.

Unexpectedly, Harris's campaign raised $81 million within 24 hours of announcing her candidacy, setting a new record for presidential campaign donations. By the end of July, Harris's poll support began to surpass Trump's. Can Trump beat Harris in the 2024 presidential race?

Donald Trump's Birth Chart

We have read the Donald Trump's horoscope at Trump's Destiny: The Odds of Winning the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, which explains why Trump's life is full of legal disputes and financial controversies, and despite four criminal charges, defamation, scandals, and financial fraud convictions since 2023, he can still easily gain the support of the Republican Party to run in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Trump was born on June 14, 1946. That day was the Year of the Fire Dog, the Month of the Wood Horse, and the Day of the Earth Sheep. He was born at 10:54 AM, which is the Hour of the Earth Snake. The "Earth" element represents Trump himself. Based on his Chinese zodiac, Trump has the fierce and tough personality of a dog, the competitive nature of a horse, the stubbornness of a sheep, and the cleverness of a snake.

The Earth element can be represented by farmland, which can grow various crops and flowers. Earth is resilient and enduring, meaning a person can withstand pressure and come up with different solutions.

The Dog and Sheep zodiacs are Earth elements, representing Trump's relationships with friends, colleagues, and business partners. The Horse and Snake zodiacs are Fire elements, representing Trump's parents, advisors, supporters, or protectors. The presence of the Snake, Horse, and Sheep together creates a strong Fire element.

Wood controls Earth, and the Wood element in the month represents Trump's pressure, career, and legal issues. When Wood and Earth meet, it turns into Earth, indicating Trump can transform external pressure into personal strength.

Trump's chart is dominated by Fire and Earth elements. Fire generates Earth, making Trump very strong. This type of chart is called "following the strong." Fire and Earth are favorable elements, bringing good luck when they appear in his life.

Real estate, which is related to Earth, made him a billionaire. Therefore, Earth is connected to Trump's income and financial gains. Fire is related to heat, summer, and the color red, which is Trump's favorite color.

Wood is related to Trump's career, authority, position, and legal matters. Earth absorbs Water, and Water is related to Trump's finances, women, and the color black, which might lead to financial losses. Metal represents his expression and behavior.

Earth generates Metal, and Metal is like Earth's child. Metal can drain the energy of the Earth, suggesting that Metal might bring Trump negative reputation. When Metal and Water appear together, it could bring bad luck to Trump.

Donald Trump's Major Cycles

From 1983 to 1992, Trump was in the 'Earth Dog' Major Cycle. The Zodiac Dog is associated with Yang Earth, symbolizing tall mountains. This Major Cycle was fully aligned with Earth, which represents wealth. During this period, between the ages of 37 and 46, Trump seized opportunities to create wealth and built his real estate empire.

From 2003 to 2012, Trump was in the "Metal Rat" Major Cycle. The zodiac Rat is in the Water group, and Metal generates Water. Water represents financial loss, and Metal symbolizes reputation damage. During this time, Trump faced challenges in his relationships and finances.

His investment companies went bankrupt in 1991, 1994, 2004, 2009, and 2014, with two bankruptcies occurring during the Metal Rat cycle, particularly involving casino and resort investments.

This shows that Trump's weakness is "Water". Metal generates Water, which is also unfavorable for him. Water represents women and the color black. Trump lost lawsuits involving women and paid money, and his two divorces also led to financial losses.

Protests at Trump's New York building involved "Black Lives Matter". Losing votes from women and minority groups makes it difficult for Trump to win elections. Metal represents Trump's younger generation, and America's Gen Z has grown up to 27 years old. Will they vote for 78-year-old Trump?

Trump vs. Harris 2024 US Presidential Election

Before comparing Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's political luck to see who has a better chance of winning the presidential election. We want to analyze any special in the Kamala Harris's birth chart and if she has any chance to win the election.

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