Chinese Horoscope Dating, Love, Marriage, Compatibility Match
Fast Love Match carefully calculates the compatibility score to your match. The total compatibility score is the sum of the comparing scores from the birth year, birth month, and birthday. You may have a negative score from the birth year or birth month, but the total score is positive. However, as long as the total score is non-negative, you can try or keep the relationship.
Best Love Match - Most Compatible Birthdays gives people more than 100 (about 200) birthdays which are very compatible to their birthdays from the calculation results of Chinese astrology Match, Western Zodiac Match
and Chinese Feng Shui Kua Number Match.
Angel Love Match - Marriage Analysis Report analyzes the compatibility love match scores of two persons' birthday. It also predicts the love and marriage luck for the coming three years and coming three months. It helps people to determine the timing of the marriage.