Choose GenderBaby BoyRevised Calendar

2026 New Calendar for Planning Baby With the Desired Gender

Study Sex Ratio at Birth Data - the Accuracy of Baby Gender Prediction

2026 New Calendar for Planning Baby With the Desired Gender

This article provides a new 2026 revised Chinese Baby Gender Calendar for women planning to have a baby boy or girl in 2026 of Red Fire Horse year or 2027 of Red Fire Sheep year. This study discusses the relationships between the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart and sex ratio at birth by different countries and seasons. Without understanding the seasonal sex ratio birth data from China, the USA, India, Singapore, and Germany, you don't know how to use the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. We also create a revised Baby Gender Calendar to solve the problem of the Chinese lunar leap month.

Plan for Baby Boy or Girl in 2026 or 2027

Before planning for a baby boy or girl in 2026 or 2027, we should know what the meanings are behind the year 2026 and 2027. 2026 is the year of the Red Fire Horse. The Chinese New Year Day of Horse year is on February 17, 2026. 2027 is the year of the Red Fire Sheep. The Chinese New Year Day of Sheep year is on February 6, 2027. The Chinese New Year Day is the first lunar day of the first lunar month. That means Chinese New Year Day is determined by the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Chinese Zodiac Signs are determined by the Chinese Astrology Stem-Branch Calendar.   If a baby is born on or after February 4, 2026, and before February 4, 2027, then the Chinese zodiac sign is Horse. If born after February 4, 2027, then the Chinese zodiac sign is Sheep. The Zodiac signs are nothing to do with the Chinese New Year.

Many women wish to conceive their desired baby gender next pregnancy. Today, medical high-tech gender selection can help people choose the gender of the baby. But it will cost us a lot. Therefore, some women who have a gender preference might ask for the non-scientific Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart on how to choose the baby gender before pregnancy.

If you want to take the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart into consideration for the next pregnancy time, you need to know about the Chinese lunar months. The more important thing is to understand the fact behind the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. We will explain the details below to help you to plan for having a desired gender baby.

2026 Chinese Baby Calendar Lunar Months

The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart uses the Woman's Chinese Age and the Chinese lunar month of conception to predict the baby gender. Therefore, we have to know when the Chinese lunar months begin and end in 2026. If you plan for a baby in 2027, then the following 2026 Chinese Baby Calendar lunar months can help you choose the conception month for the desired baby gender in 2027.

The following lunar months are calculated using the China time zone. Chinese Lunar Months are different from different time zones. If you need the Chinese lunar months of non-China time zones, you can have them at the Chinese Lunar Month Calendar for the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart page. The easiest way to predict the baby gender is from the Chinese Baby Gender Predictor, which does the calculations using the birthday, Chinese age, the lunar month, and time zone before determining the correct baby gender.

2026 Lunar Months of China Time Zone
Lunar MonthStarting DateEnding Date
1February 17, 2026March 18, 2026
2March 19, 2026April 16, 2026
3April 17, 2026May 16, 2026
4May 17, 2026June 14, 2026
5June 15, 2026July 13, 2026
6July 14, 2026August 12, 2026
7August 13, 2026September 10, 2026
8September 11, 2026October 9, 2026
9October 10, 2026November 8, 2026
10November 9, 2026December 8, 2026
11December 9, 2026January 7, 2027
12January 8, 2027February 5, 2027

The Fact of the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart

How accurate is the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart? The Gender Prediction Chart is a statistical datasheet. It's not very accurate. But it's much better than 50/50 guessing. According to our survey raw data, it's close to 70% accuracy. Why do we want to reference it if not accurate? If you understand the meaning behind the Gender Prediction Chart, then you will know there is a value there.

Many families in the world prefer boy babies. According to the 2017 data bank from United Nations Population Division shows the sex ratio of male births per female births is 1.073. The ratio at China is 1.15, India is 1.107, Armenia 1.129, Azerbaijan 1.125, and Vietnam is 1.097. The average sex ratio from 1997 to 2017 is about 1.075. The birth data at US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1977663 baby boys and 1887091 baby girls born in 2017. The US sex ratio between males and females is 1.048.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, the natural sex ratio between males and females at birth is 1.05 from 1990 to 2010 without counting sex-selective abortion and gendercide. That means that at birth on average, there are 105 males for every 100 females. This number is close to the US sex ratio. We have an extra 5% chance to have baby boys than girls.

Age Woman Conception Chinese Lunar Month

Woman's age is the Chinese age.
Woman's Conception Month is the Chinese lunar month.
Blue is for boy and pink is for girl in the chart.

The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart has 336 prediction months from age 18 to 45. The boy predictions are 164 and the girl predictions are 172. The sex ratio of male per female is 0.953. There is a 10% difference compared with the WHO's ratio.

Lunar MonthNear ZodiacProximity MonthBoy Counts

If we count for boy blue box in the Prediction Chart for all month columns, we find that January, February, March, and April have higher boy counts. That means the conception months in January, February, March, and April are favorable to have a baby boy. The Summer season is favorable to the baby girl.

Baby Sex Ratio at Birth in China

Do the seasons affect the gender of babies? US National Center for Biotechnology Information published a study of The Association between Season of Pregnancy and Birth-Sex among Chinese in 2014. It stated that Chinese mothers pregnant in summer or winter had a higher probability of delivering girls than those pregnant in spring. The statistic data was from 3051 Chinese children who were born between 1 January 2006 and 31 November 2008. They had very good high-quality birth data from the parents. Among 3051 children, there were 1582 boys (51.8%) and 1469 girls (48.2%). The Chinese sex ratio of boy per girl is 1.0769 from 2006 to 2008. The following is the monthly sex ratio chart.

We can see December, January, February, March, and April are above average. Those months show higher boy counts in the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. That means the survey data of baby gender in the Ching Dynasty had a similar result to China birth data between 2006 and 2008. The season of Spring in China is February, March, and April. The energy of Yang growing months from December to April is favorable to have a baby boy in China.

Regions affect Sex Ratio at Birth

Regarding the factors of temperatures and seasons influencing baby gender, different countries reported different results. That tells us regions affect the sex ratio at birth. What we are interested in now is the relationship between months and baby genders by region. The chart below is from the US CDC birth data from 1994 to 2014. The total records are more than 84.8 million.

This chart shows more boys were born in July, August, October, November, and January. Pregnancy lasts for about 280 days or 40 weeks. It's for about nine months. The conception months in October, November, January, February, and April are favorable to have a baby boy in the USA.

The sex ratio at birth of the USA in 2017 is 1.048, below the average 1.07 of the world. Girls like to be born in the USA today. Probably girls have better human rights in the USA. The USA 2017 monthly sex ratio counts are in the following.

USA Birth Data 2017
MonthSex Ratio

The higher sex ratio months are January, May, and June. More boys were born from the conception months in April, August, and September according to 2017 US birth data.

Conclusion of Chinese Bay Gender Prediction Chart

Now we compare the months of conception to have a better chance to conceive a baby boy from different regions. We find the Chinese Bay Gender Prediction Chart is good for the China region. For all other regions, April and September are good months to conceive a baby boy. May and December are good months to conceive a baby girl.

However, most of the birth data collected for the chart is before 2002. It looks that the sex ratio will change from generation to generation. If you are interested in today's sex ratio in your country, then look for it from your government website. The blue boxes in the chart below indicate a higher sex ratio of male to female.

BOYConception Months
US 2017

The next is how to select the days to conceive the desired baby gender using the Chinese lunar calendar. If a woman wants to plan for a baby boy, then when are the good days in April and September to conceive?

Compromise 2026 Chinese Lunar Months with Zodiac Months

The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart uses the Chinese Lunar Calendar to predict baby gender. Do you know the Chinese Lunar Calendar needs 7 extra lunar months in 19 years? Chinese Lunar Calendar needs a year of 13 lunar months around every three years in order to synchronize the cycle of the sun. That means you will see a leap month (intercalary month) every three years.

There are only 12 months in the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. 2020 Chinese Lunar Calendar has 13 lunar months, extra leap 4th lunar month in China time zone. The total of lunar days in the 4th lunar month is 59. This becomes an issue to apply to the Baby Gender Prediction Chart. Some people suggested that the days in the first half of leap 4th month should be grouped into the 4th month. The days in the second half of leap 4th month are treated in the 5th lunar days. Both the 4th and 5th lunar months have around 44 lunar days. A normal lunar month has 29 or 30 days. Some people won't accept this approach.

While doing the survey for the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart, a few women emailed us and said the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart is accurate; they tried many birth data of the relatives using the solar Gregorian months, not the Calendar lunar months.

People wonder the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart should use the Chinese Astrology Zodiac (Stem-Branch) Calendar, which is a solar calendar. According to the theory of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the first zodiac month is the Tiger month, which is equivalent to the first lunar month. Rat month is corresponding to the 11th lunar month and Cow month is corresponding to the 12th lunar month. In the way, we don't have the trouble of leap months.

We compromise the Chinese Lunar Months with Chinese Zodiac Months in the following chart. The days in the lunar month and also in the corresponding Zodiac month are the new revised lunar months. If a woman wants to use the suggestion of the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart to conceive the next baby, then she should use the revised lunar months.

2026 Lunar/Zodiac Months of China Time Zone
Zodiac MonthLunar MonthAdjusted MonthsDays
1Tiger2/3/2026 - 3/4/20262/17/2026 - 3/18/20262/17/2026 - 3/4/202616
2Rabbit3/5/2026 - 4/3/20263/19/2026 - 4/16/20263/19/2026 - 4/3/202616
3Dragon4/4/2026 - 5/4/20264/17/2026 - 5/16/20264/17/2026 - 5/4/202618
4Snake5/5/2026 - 6/4/20265/17/2026 - 6/14/20265/17/2026 - 6/4/202619
5Horse6/5/2026 - 7/6/20266/15/2026 - 7/13/20266/15/2026 - 7/6/202622
6Sheep7/7/2026 - 8/6/20267/14/2026 - 8/12/20267/14/2026 - 8/6/202624
7Monkey8/7/2026 - 9/6/20268/13/2026 - 9/10/20268/13/2026 - 9/6/202625
8Chicken9/7/2026 - 10/7/20269/11/2026 - 10/9/20269/11/2026 - 10/7/202627
9Dog10/8/2026 - 11/6/202610/10/2026 - 11/8/202610/10/2026 - 11/6/202628
10Pig11/7/2026 - 12/6/202611/9/2026 - 12/8/202611/9/2026 - 12/6/202628
11Rat12/7/2026 - 1/4/202712/9/2026 - 1/7/202712/9/2026 - 1/4/202727
12Cow1/5/2027 - 2/3/20271/8/2027 - 2/5/20271/8/2027 - 2/3/202727

If a woman desires to have a baby boy, she can look for the blue box of the Gender Prediction Chart in April and September columns to determine the conception month using her Chinese age. The next choices of the conception month are August, October, January, February, or November depending on her country. Then the conception day can choose from the revised lunar months above. If a woman prefers to have a baby girl, then she can try the days in May, June, or December.

Baby Characteristics and Traits

By Master Allen Tsai on Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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