Contents of Baby Gender Selection and Prediction
Chinese Fortune Calendar provides the Baby Gender Selection and Prediction since 1999. We have many informative pages about the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart. We revealed the origin of the Chinese baby gender statistic chart, discussed the accuracy of the prediction chart using the birth data of gender ratio from the USA, India, China, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. We also surveyed to check the accuracy rate of the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart.
Since the Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart involves the pregnancy months and Chinese women's ages, we discuss how to get the correct pregnancy months from the Chinese Lunar Calendar and Chinese astrology Stem-Branch calendar. Chinese count the people's ages are different from the western countries. We provide the Chinese Baby Calendar and Chinese age calculation tools to help people to use the Chinese baby gender statistic chart.
We include Chinese Astrology information to help people to choose the baby gender, auspicious baby name, lucky Geng Shui room, even baby birthday for a caesarian birth option. The following is the Category of Baby Gender for the Chinese Fortune Calendar.